Wednesday, September 5, 2007

NSVC: The Dukes of Smallville

MM: Welcome back, everyone.

AG: I’m sure you’re all very excited to hear about our next plan.

KK: (dully) On pins and needles.

MM: We’re now going to make our show like The Dukes of Hazzard.

AM: As a tribute to John Schneider?

MM: Something like that. We also really enjoyed watching it.

MR: Did you have a favorite season?

AG: Oh, we didn’t watch the TV show. We just caught the new movies.

AM: I’m not sure that’s the best inspiration to go off of. They were really just opportunities to make jokes about drug use, alcohol consumption, glorification of law-breakers, insults to uncultured Southerners—

(AoT smacks her upside the head)

AM: Ow! Annette! I was not insulting Southerners in general!

KK: Plus, I was offended by the blatant exploitation of women. They were filled with gratuitous nudity. (turns her head to AM) Suddenly, I see why they enjoyed them.

(AM nods in agreement)

MR: I enjoyed it. Schneider got me and Tom tickets to the advance screening.

JG: Why, that unmagnificent bastard!

MR: Oh, you were doing a play. He didn’t snub you.

AG: Anyway, speaking of gratuitous nudity…

KK: No.

AM: No.

AoT: Well… (sighs) Looks, guys, I’m not 25 anymore.

ED: Make me an offer. I’ll also have my agent send you my updated price sheet.

AM: (to EM) We’re still on the CW, Erica. You can’t actually expose anything.

ED: In that case, I rescind my offer.

AG: (on the phone) Thanks. Just fax it right over.

MM: (grabs the phone) Two copies, if you don’t mind.

AG: Now, we’ve got Clark as Luke Duke and Jimmy as Bo Duke.

TW: So, Aaron gets to drive?

MM: Yes.

TW: And are we cousins?

AG: Well, why not?

TW: Is Clark still an alien?

AG: Of course. What else do we do with the special effects budget? There’s actually going to be a recurring theme where you two keep getting in horrible car crashes and somehow survive, and Jimmy never figures out why.

MM: Or even wonders.

AA: That’s not giving Jimmy much credit.

MR: “It was the Egyptians!”

AA: Please shut up.

AM: Word to the wise, Aaron, Michael considers using the word “please” to be a sign of weakness.

(MR punches his hand, schoolyard bully style)

TW: So, wait, if Jimmy’s Clark’s cousin, wouldn’t he be Kryptonian, too?

AG: Clark’s adopted.

TW: Is his last name Kent?

MM: No. It’s Olsen. It can be Jonathan Kent’s sister’s son.

AM: You’re making this up as you go, aren’t you guys?

MM: It’s our process, Allison.

AM: That explains a lot.

TW: So Jimmy has no idea Clark’s an alien?

AG: Nope.

MM: None.

TW: And he’s going to crash the General Lee a lot?

AG: All the time.

MM: Only, we’re not calling it the General Lee.

AG: Too offensive.

AoT: On behalf of John and myself, I’m offended that you’re changing it.

JG: Oh, I don’t mind.

AoT: Schneider.

JG: Oh, very well. Proceed.

KK: What are we calling it?

MM: We’ve made a list.

KK: You’re not calling it the “Lana Lang.”

(MM crosses something off near the top of his notepad)

AG: Our other idea was sell out the name.

MM: You know, “The P. Diddy,” “The J. Lo,” “The Nancy Reagan.”

MR: I don’t think Nancy Reagan is going to pay to have the car named after her.

AG: Told you!

(MM marks something else of the list)

MM: Also, “The Prince Harry,” “The Prince William,”

KK: You were really going to name it “Prince Harry” before you named it “Prince William?”

AG: Miles is a sucker for red hair.

MM: “The Lindsay Lohan,” “The Britney Spears,”

MR: “The Paris Hilton…”

AG: (smacks MM upside the head) How did you not think of that? You know how much we could have made?

AoT: Oughta just go for the gold and name it the “Bill Gates.”

AG: We considered it, but we thought he make us go with some geek car.

AM: Speaking of which, it’s going to be hard to keep 1968 Chargers in stock, especially if Jimmy’s going to keep wrecking them.

MM: Why waste money on that? We’re just going to go with whatever cars we can get sponsorship from. Ford’s already promising us an F-150 and a Fusion if we mention them six times an episode. Toyota has offered us a RAV4 and a Solara. Chevy will give us our pick of pick-ups. They say the Impala’s off-limits, though. We’ll just replace them as they go.

TW: Each time?

AG: Why in the world would we keep the same car? If our ElCamino “The J. Lo.” falls off a bridge, might as well replace it with the Excursion “The Dewayne Johnston.”

AA: You’re naming a Ford truck after “The Rock.” Just think about that for a second.

MM: Oh, and Arnold Schwarzenegger will let us use twin Hummers if we call them “Hans” and “Franz.”

AM: The state of California is really going to let him get away with that?

AG: It would have to be an anonymous gift.

KK: So, big question, who gets to be Daisy?

AM: Gee, a female who now can’t be romantically involved with either Clark or Jimmy, but still gets to wear skimpy clothes. Puts you in quite a conundrum, doesn’t it?

AG: Lois. She’s hot. She wears very little. She kicks ass. And since we’re barred from Clark and Lois romance, and since Lois and Jimmy is just silly, she’s perfect.

AM: (deflated) Oh, yeah. That makes sense. A lot of sense. But what about me and Kristin? There’s no way you’re pulling Lana or Chloe off the show.

MR: You that secure with your job? You’ve already died like three times already.

AM: I have a trump card. Ostroff. forwarded her this “Your Favorite Smallville Gal” poll. Chloe got like 60% of the vote. She’s not pulling me anytime soon. Chloe’s safe.

AG: We’re not assigning specific roles to you two.

KK: Sure you are: Love Interest #1 and Love Interest #2.

MM: You’re Love Interest number one, Kristin.

KK: (smiling sweetly) Thank you. (to AM) I’m going to the special hell.

AM: (pats her on the shoulder) You’re a martyr. And, if that’s not enough, you’ll be able to flirt your way past St. Peter.

AG: On to the villains.

MM: We’re going to have “Boss Luthor.”

JG: Excuse me. I recall that he seems to be a little large in the midsection. (starts to unbutton up his shirt) Does this remind you of Boss Hogg?

MM: (shielding his eyes) Look, “Boss Luthor” will be in unusually good shape for his age.

MR: Take it off, old man!

AM: Could you please cover up?

KK: Please?

(JG starts to button his shirt)

JG: (finds a Canadian twenty in his waistband) Durance!

ED: What? I find older men attractive.

(JG finishes tucking his shirt in while he shakes his head)

JG: (find an American hundred-dollar bill) Annette? I doubt Michael would approve.

MR: Oh, I approve. I’m just sorry I didn’t bring any cash myself.

AoT: I think he meant my husband.

MR: You’re still married to that McKean guy?

AoT: I oughta smack you upside the head, boy! (extends her hand)

AM: (rubbing the back of her head) Now, why didn’t I get a warning?

JG: Please tell me I won’t have bull horns stuck to the front of my limousine.

AG: Are you kidding? It’d cover up the car brand.

MR: Maybe they’re kryptonite horns. (chuckles)

MM: Brilliant!

JG: You’re going to pay for this, Rosenbaum.

AM: Maybe it can be the double-L logo, like a hood ornament.

MM: Brillianter!

AM: That’s not a w—

TW: Choose your battles, Alli.

MM: Anyway, we’ll also have Sheriff Luthor.

MR: But he’s bubbling and surrounds himself with incompetent deputies!

KK: I think the comparison is uncanny.

AM: True.

MR: At least tell me I get to arrest their characters.

AG: Probably all the time.

AM: But I escape because of my wits?

MM: Probably all the time.

KK: (grudgingly) And me because of my looks.

AG: Probably all the time.

MM: Though we have to have Clark and Jimmy save you once in a while.

AM: Deal.

KK: Fine.

AM: Is that enough triangles for you two?

AG: Well, they’ll both fight over Lana. I suppose if need be, they’ll fight over you.

TW: Isn’t it kind of creepy that they’ll constantly fighting over these two girls? I mean, I’m assuming after a while, we’ll both have dated both. That’s kind of weird.

MR: This does take place in Kansas. Or are we moving to Georgia?

AG: And waste money on new sets?

MM: Plus, there are plenty of young, attractive women in Vancouver.

MR: Forgive me for being insolent. Do I get to regrow my hair?

MM: Why would you want that? You get to wear a Sheriff’s uniform.

MR: ‘Cause that totally makes up for it.

ED: Hey, aren’t we missing Uncle Jesse?

(MM and AG stare at each other)

AG: John!

JG: No. I’m going to be hunky Boss Luthor. (starts to pull up his shirt again)

AM: (smacks his hand) We get it, John. You’ve got abs of steel.

JG: My dear Miss Mack, you will regret that one day.

AM: (her voice squeaking) You know, it’s scary just because he uses the voice.

AG: No, wrong John.

TW: We’re bringing John Schneider back? That’s so appropriate!

AA: I kinda don’t feel comfortable with that. I’m not sure what his feelings will be about his part as the good-hearted rebel being filled by dorky Jimmy Olsen.

AG: No, wrong John again. We meant John Jones.

AM: The Martian Manhunter is Clark Kent’s uncle.

AG: Adopted uncle.

TW: So Martian Manhunter is the adoptive uncle of Clark Kent and Jimmy Olson, who are cousins with Lois Lane. They ride around all day, transporting moonshine and crashing cars, which are constantly being replaced with new models and new names, none of which are a 1968 or 69 Chargers named the General Lee. I’m not sure who’s gonna sue us for defamation first: DC Comics or CBS.


A/N: So, I’m just gonna keep spitting these out until I finally finish the League o’ Justice episode I’ve been working on forever. Stupid third act.

^_^ - I’ve got thirty-seven cents in my pocket that says you’re gonna name a Pontiac Aztek “The Magnificent Sonriso.” How ‘bout a bitchin’ motorcycle? It can be a Yamaha. No? A Segway? You know, an older model. A decent pair of roller blades? Daisy-Lois can wear them. While she’s waitressing or whatnot. They don’t necessarily have to be yellow with my image on them.

Started 7/4/2007. Finished 9/5/2007.