1300 words
A/N: I rarely do character analysis, but this struck me, so here it is.
However, I did find out something interesting from the blood work. Kaylee’s menstrual cycle is synchronized with Zoë’s. I know this because Zoë comes in every 29 days, like clockwork, to be administered a contraceptive injection. She slips me a silver coin each time. I try to refuse, but she insists, and I know better than to oppose such an imposing woman with aim as good as hers.
The type of injection that I give her is meant to be administered approximately six days before ovulation. I’ve come to notice that it’s a good idea for me to start acting more kind to both Zoë and Kaylee around this time. I’ve shared this secret with
Zoë’s heart rate is also 72 beats per minute.
* * *
I rue the day I noticed this, but River is less cooperative on those days as well. Her heartbeat is a steady 84 beats per minute. At least when she’s calm, which at times seems like never. Interestingly, her cryo chamber vitals stated her heartbeat was 87 before hibernation, but it appears to have dropped since boarding Serenity.
Come to think of it, mine was 71, and it dropped to 66 after not too long. It must have been the increase in physical labor.
* * *
* * *
Inara’s heart rate is a reasonably low 64.
She came to me once asking for a blood test after a rather extensive stay with a client. After giving her the four-page report—a full workup—she sighed in relief after reading only the first half of the top page. I guessed correctly that she was only concerned with the pregnancy test. Let me start by saying that it is almost impossible for Inara to get pregnant. She provides me with an anonymous credit card so that I can keep a wide variety of Guild-required medicinal injections in stock, including a contraceptive nano-insert that can be inserted in various discreet areas of the body: between the toes or behind the ear, for example.
After the blood test, she confided in me that her period was late. I assured her that this was normal and that I would continue to study her blood for any abnormalities that might cause the sudden change in her body. She also unknowingly confided in River, who was hiding underneath some of the cabinets. River’s diagnosis: “All the moons have got to go ‘round the planet at the same time. Stray planet that comes back has got to get back in line.”
It was a few days later when she gives me a knowing smile of relief at dinner. I almost didn’t catch it, because Kaylee was talking to me, and it wasn’t a good time to be caught ignoring her, if you catch my drift.
Elsewhere, Inara and Mal got into a large screaming match after dinner, and I cornered Mal afterwards and told him that moodiness was one of the side effects of some of the injections I’ve been giving Inara, and I suggested he be kinder to her for the following few days. What I told him was not completely true, but it has been quieter around Serenity ever since.
Mal’s resting heart rate is 72 beats per minute.
* * *
Shepherd Book’s heart rate is 88 beats per minute. I warn him that that is a little high and that he should consider exercising more. He affably agrees. He also quotes to me Proverbs 15:30. I tell him that I find it very appropriate and will consider posting it above the infirmary entrance.
“A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.”
* * *
Jayne’s resting heart rate is 64 beats per minute. At least, I’m fairly sure it is. He doesn’t seem to like the digistethoscope very much. Even less than injections. Truth be told, he’s probably the best with them. River is unpredictable with them, sometimes going into hysterics. Kaylee… well, she’s squirmy, and no matter how many times she relates to me that “it weren’t ‘s bad” as she thought it was going to be, she hasn’t get any better about it. Mal and
However, no one flinches with the digistethoscope, however, except for good ol’ Jayne.
* * *
Right before “those” days, I notice, Serenity seems to run best, based on comments by both Kaylee and
I always seem to do better with Kaylee on her bad days when I start early, so that is why I’m stopping by the engine room to say hi. Serenity, as usually, is running optimally, and Kaylee is beaming.
“How’s she running?” I ask, knowing the answer.
“Ah, my little yíng huǒ chóng is doin’ beautif’ly. C’mon, feel ‘er.”
Kaylee grabs my hand and places it on the outside wall of the engine. Kaylee’s skin is already warm to the touch. I feel the rapid vibrations coming from the engine, but I can also detect the strong, slow pulsing of energy bursts from the tail motor. I check my wrist chronograph to measure Serenity’s heartbeat.
She beats at 24 beats per minute. That’s exactly one-third of Kaylee’s resting heart rate (and one-fifth of nervous-Kaylee’s heart rate). It’s also one-third of both Zoë’s and Mal’s. It is two-sevenths of River’s heart rate and four-elevenths of mine. It is three-tenths of Wash’s heart rate, three-eights of both Inara’s and Jayne’s (I think), and three-elevenths of Book’s.
Maybe it’s just my imagination, but I can feel Kaylee’s pulse faintly on my hand, and its rhythm plays in time with Serenity’s downbeat.
A/N: Okay, I’m finally posting something. As soon as Smallville comes back, I’ll have the inspiration to write those fics. And now that Beauty and the Geek is over, I’ll be able to kick Godeerc’s butt into gear for finishing that series.
^_^ - Let me get this straight: you wrote a story about heart rates and PMS? Maybe you oughta give up writing for a little bit.
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