A/N: Dedicated to BookWurm1, because this is just what she called for after CoKE.
Director's Notes:
She couldn’t get the buttons on her black-and-white Houndstooth coat unfastened quickly enough. Freed from the binds of the garment, she yanked it off, tossing it to the ground behind her without a look back. The silky, powder blue blouse with a drooping neckline presented no buttons and was easily slipped off and tossed to the side. The zipper in the back of the navy blue skirt was swiftly lowered, and the skirt fell to the ground, where it was kicked across the floor. She sat on the bed, kicking her black high heels into the wall, scuff marks be damned. Her nimble fingers slipped under the waistband of her pantyhose and removed the artificial covering from the creamy skin of her legs.
Her round breasts were still supported by a sea foam-green brassiere, but that was hastily discarded, along with the lacy white briefs. Her seething expression lessened as she took a number of heavy breaths. Her head turned towards her closet, her shoulder-length blond hair momentarily obscuring her face. She walked with intention towards the shower, where she turned the red-ringed knob in the shower, bringing steaming hot water onto her body. It was a tad warmer that she usually preferred it, but tonight she never felt the need for cleansing so much. She ignored the pinkish tint resulting from the harsh temperature of the liquid. There were no towels hanging on the rod when she got out of the shower—it was laundry day—but a quick peek under the sink produced a still-new set of maroon towels with “Euryphaessa Hotel” embroidered into the fabric. She shaved her legs quickly. So quickly, in fact, that she nicked herself around the ankle, but thought nothing of it, as the blood transfusions shortened her healing time. Though, it had been more than twenty-four hours since her last injection, so one blood drop did slide down the side of her foot before a scab appeared.
From the closet, she pulled out a large red, flannel shirt, which she slipped on over her bare body. She pulled out a pair of white boxers shorts, a gag gift from her cousin; they had little crimson hearts on them. The oversized shirt covered them up, and she had to roll the cuffs up twice just to expose her fingers. Stepping into her rose-colored slippers, she journeyed to the bathroom, where she surveyed her now makeup-free face. Still sitting on the counter was a lipstick tube from Lillian’s, still wrapped in plastic wrap. The plastic soon found its way into the tiny trashcan by the sink, and pursed pink lips became smiling scarlet ones.
Chloe’s mind raced through a mental checklist. Lana was “out” again, as she often was during the night. She worked tirelessly during the day shift, so no one protested. And, often, these outings were business meetings with Lex, so no one could complain about her dedication to the firm. Pete and Lois were in the basement, unloading a shipment of weapons—high-velocity projectile weapons, according to their chatter—that they’d been waiting weeks for. And
* * *
30 minutes earlier…
Jimmy peeked out the hotel room, looking very confused. It had been a fun night out with the guys at the pub, despite their constant teasing about him bringing a beautiful woman but letting her dance with every half-drunk idiot who approached her. Even the defensive comments about Lucy being Chloe’s cousin fell on deaf ears. But Lucy came to his defense… by offering them each a dance, and they quickly shut up. If he had danced with Lucy, he must have been too wasted by then to remember. Of course, he had somehow appeared here, in the Euryphaessa, in Lucy’s room. He could easily deduce what happened, even if his memory was a little fuzzy. He must have drunk too much, though he usually was better at pacing himself. In fact, his hangover was fairly mild.
The note that Lucy left him told him that what happened was a big mistake, and Jimmy agreed. He was crazy about Chloe, and Lucy knew that, and she was excited for him. She left early, hoping to make things easier for Jimmy, and Jimmy thanked her for that.
“Lucy left,” came the last voice Jimmy wanted to hear at this particular moment.
“Chloe,” he said, guiltily, and cursing himself for the tone. “Um…” he began to explain.
Chloe stood there in her dark blue skirt suit, the jacket unbuttoned casually, revealing her light blue shirt. Her hair was down. Her voice was near venomous, “Tell me, Jimmy, was it so hard not being with me immediately that you had to go after the first girl that would take you home, even if she was my cousin, and on top of that, at the place where I live and work?”
“How did you…?”
“You’re walking out of her room, Jimmy. Plus, I know things.”
“Your psychic thing.” Jimmy swore that Chloe could probably see his heart dropping.
“Clairvoyance is a bitch. I’ve heard it before.”
Jimmy realized that there was no hope. Funny that the most monumentally royal screw-up that he would ever commit, he wouldn’t remember. In desperation, he replied, “This is about
Chloe immediately snapped, “You’ve avoiding the discussion, Jimmy.” Jimmy could have sworn that Chloe’s eyes had taken on an orange tinge, like
Jimmy’s breath was shallow, his muscles numb, his mouth dry, and his internal organs felt like they were necrotizing within him. His voice as low as a whisper, he said, with nary an ounce of strength, “You told me if I—”
Chloe powerfully interrupted him, dominantly but sympathetically, “And you did. And it’s not your fault I’m choosing
“But what about the Veronica Venus thing? We’re still doing that, right?”
Her back to him, Chloe replied stoically, “Of course we are. See you at work tomorrow. We’ve got to start that story about Joanne Parker and Bill General.”
“And lunch?” Jimmy had the distinct feeling of hanging over a cliff with precious few lifelines.
She did not turn around; she barely turned her head, “I just remembered. I have a prior commitment. How ‘bout a rain check?” The last question held no sincerity.
“I know everything you’re feeling, Jimmy.” Somehow, the matter-of-factness emerged over the rest of her stormy emotions. “Maybe better than you do. It’s too late.” She hazarded one last glance at him over her shoulder.
Jimmy was a photographer. He knew things got smaller as they moved away from the camera. As Chloe got smaller, as she walked away, Jimmy could have sworn that he was the one moving away, the one falling over a ledge.
* * *
Jimmy raced into Chloe’s room, where she was putting a scarlet-colored desert robe on over her clothes.
“Chloe, where do you think you’re going? We don’t even know if you’re okay!”
Chloe disregarded his statements as she grabbed a wooden staff out of the closet, “Jimmy, I’ve got to go help. This is bigger than us. I told you it was a bad time.”
“Jimmy, I can’t do this with you now.
She spun to face him, and sharply replied, “Jimmy, our time will come, okay?”
Her back turned, her eyes diverted, she asked, “Wait for me.”
“Just promise me you’ll come back.”
She struggled with the words. “I promise.”
* * *
As she descended in staircase into the lobby, she did a quick scan of the room to make sure Lois and Pete were still in the basement. So, she boldly walked through the lobby toward the manager’s offices, the red flannel shirt covering her to mid-thigh.
Pretending to be irked at his change of subject, she looked down at herself. She feigned awkwardness; she gripped the collar of the shirt even though she had intentionally left the two top buttons opened, and pulled down on the base of the shirt, even though she knew exactly how much leg she was showing. She sheepishly admitted, “Yeah… remember when I made you get rid of a bunch of your stuff before moving out here? I kinda saw an opportunity for a cheap sleep shirt. I would have asked, but it would have been awkward, because…”
She chuckled. “I know,” she commented ironically.
“Do I have any secrets?”
“For now.” She looked into his eyes.
“Chloe?” She didn’t answer, just smiled and bit her bottom lip. “What is it?”
* * *
Pete laid the heavy box of darts on the counter in the lobby. “Man, am I psyched about this bad boy,” he commented, lifting a spring-loaded, crossbow-like contraption.
“I know,” Lois replied as she lugged a chain weapon over her shoulder. “But I bet
Pete scoffed. “I bet Intergang never has to practice using their weapons before they get to use them.”
“Sometimes it pays to be the bad guys,” Lois admitted. “So, it looks like we’ll have to step up our efforts on the Clark-Chloe project. Our subtle nudges are having zero effect. You know, Chloe has always dug the fact that
Pete, pretending to aim the weapon, added, “
Lois sighed dejectedly, “Damn, I wonder if she and Jimmy are getting back together.”
“Ya think? I mean, I’ve met him. He’s always up for a game of b-ball, and that’s a check in my book, but Chloe’s so too good for him. What does she see in him?”
“She sees interest, which, given her life in Lana’s shadow…” Lois paused, before commenting, “Hey, I just had a brainstorm…” She turned her head toward
* * *
She sat in his lap, her legs wrapped around his waist and the rolling chair, which caused the flannel shirt to ride up, exposing her whimsical underwear. Not that
He finally pulled away suddenly and sputtered, “Wha…? Chloe, what’s going on…?”
Chloe stately plainly, “
“How did you…? Did you read me?” At most, he looked mildly offended.
“Of course,”
She giggled and apologized. Her empathy picked up a rather sudden surge of emotions, but before she could process them, she found
“Where are we going?”
“To my room. But, if you want, we could stay in my office?” He said, motioning towards the desk.
Chloe’s eyes shot open. She turned her head to look at the open blinds into the lobby. She didn’t see Lois or Pete, but they could come up from the basement at any point. “I think your room’d be better,” she finally managed to get out.
As soon as they were out of sight, Pete and Lois dissolved back into sight.
“That was a close one,” Pete commented.
“On the contrary, that was a bulls-eye.” The two of them high-fived.
* * *
Chloe pushed him off and sat at the edge of the bed, grabbing Clark’s laptop and connecting it to
Chloe spun around when she felt
He was met with an incredulous stare. “Why?”
Practically purring, she answered, “’Cause you know that superhero thing really gets me hot.”
Downstairs, Pete hung up the phone, moving to get his gear. Before he took two steps, a rush of wind blew through the room. Clark stood at the front doors, dressed in his
Lois surveyed her outfit. “Whoa, Smallville, did you actually dress me, too? Never thought you had the cajones.”
“You hear about the job?” Pete asked.
“I’m rearin’ to go, Petey Boy. By the way, nice toys; go ahead and take ‘em with you if you want. And, you’d better hurry or you’ll miss all the fun.” With this, he zipped out.
“Does he seem off to you?” Lois questioned.
“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, my father always said,” Pete replied, loading his gun with darts and he paced toward the door, soon with Lois is tow.
* * *
Chloe studied the smear of lipstick on her finger. It sparkled in the light of
Lana’s voice came from the doorway, “Chloe?”
Still kneeling on the bed, Chloe turned and replied, “Hey, what’s up?”
“Not much. Uh, some potential work that I wanted to drop off to
Chloe was still distracted. “Yeah, he went on a job at the Atlantis nightclub.” She added with worry, “I think he might have gotten a small dose of Red-K.”
“Uh-oh. How?”
“There may be some in this lipstick. He might have ingested it. Hopefully, it’ll pass through him.”
Lana’s tact wore out. “Chloe, you’re an investigative journalist, right? What would be your first instinct be if you were to walk into a man’s bedroom and see a woman on said man’s bed… wearing nothing but boxer shorts and a half-buttoned-up men’s shirt… looking rather disheveled and exhausted?”
Chloe suddenly became aware of her surroundings. “Nothing happened,” she commented automatically. She began to button up the shirt.
In a jocular tone, the brunette replied, “Because it’s
Chloe paused and surveyed Lana. “Speaking of being an investigative journalist,” she began confidently, “what would your first instinct be if you were to run into a woman coming back home at…” Chloe turned her head to read the bedside clock, “2:43 in the morning, wearing a cocktail dress, her hair hastily redone,” she said emphasizing the word “hastily” as she got up from the bed. “With a hickey…” she added, brushing Lana’s hair aside, “…and missing her bra,” she finished, knocking the strap of her shoulder.
Lana was quick to answer, “You’re not wearing a bra, either.”
Chloe folded her arms, realizing the top three buttons were still undone. There was an awkward silence, as Chloe and Lana stood facing one another. Then, Chloe prompted, “How ‘bout we never had this conversation?”
“Works for me,” Lana answered quickly. The two exited
* * *
Falling against the wall,
Two other enemies appeared to challenge
From outside, Pete and Lois watched as the windows blew out, arriving just in time to have their car lurch from
The second, black-haired meta casually pulled the dart from his thigh and sent a cold blast at Pete, who was plucked from the target area by
The remaining meta, with a dart in his back, screamed as he continued to claw at his back.
“He seem kind of funny to you?” Pete asked.
Lois considered his question. “No, can’t tell a joke to save his life. But he was acting weird. ‘Course, I know what he’s splitting for.”
Pete returned her grin. There were a few unconscious victims lying on the ground, though telltale singeing of their clothes alerted Lois to the fact that
“I’m Captain Sawyer, with the Metropolis Police Department. Would you mind letting me know what happened?”
Pete answered, “We’re with Archangel Investigations—”
“Yes, I saw the story in the paper,” Capt. Sawyer quickly cut in. She motioned for Pete to continue.
“We got a call from the manager or the owner or somebody. He said that several—it turned out to be four—metahuman—”
“Excuse me?” she cut in again, as she scribbled in her notebook.
“Metahumans,” he repeated, “it’s the name we’ve assigned to these mutated humans. These four people were exposed to some type of mutagen that gave them some sort of freezing ability. Um, usually what happens is Lex Luthor—”
“—takes them to his labs at LexCorp to study them. Many are sent to Belle Reeve. We’re aware. He set up a deal with the mayor. He sends us reports and apparently does all the work out of his own pocket.”
Pete looked surprised at this revelation. “I didn’t know that, but I guess that’s a good thing. Usually…” Pete hesitated to recall Lana’s alias, “Liz deals with Lex.”
“McCallum,” he replied.
“And you are…?”
“Bill General. And my associate is Joanne Parker.” Pete showed her a business card. She made no move to take it, so Pete slipped it back into his pocket.
“Did…” Sawyer paused to read her notes, “Mr. Jordan Elliot also assist you?”
“Yeah, he did. He was first on the scene. He had some important business to attend to afterwards.”
The captain nodded and put away her notebook. “Well, Mr. General, it was a pleasure to meet you. You’ve done good work, and I believe the owner would like to speak with you.”
“Thank you,” Pete replied, smiling with relief.
Capt. Saywer ripped a sheet out of her notebook, and handed it to an associate. “Give these to Eric for a background check.”
The owner, a squat, balding man, quickly approached Pete, holding both hands out to shake Pete’s. “Thank you! Thank you! My club was almost ruined!”
“Hey, it’s what we do.”
The owner, Chester Fields, scampered around his club, lamenting, “Oh, this is a mess. It’s going to cost me a fortune to rebuild. Oh, and we’ll be closed for months!”
Fields simply pulled a checkbook out of his breast pocket, scribbled on it, and gave it to Pete. “Here. I know it’s probably a lot less that you would usually charge, but I’ll have to pay you the difference after I reopen.” Pete wasn’t listening, his eyes bulging. Lois came to see what was making Pete speechless, and became slack-jawed herself. Pete quickly thanked Fields for his generosity, who merely reached into his pocket. “Listen, I don’t know how else to thank you. Here’re free passes to my club. How many do you want?”
“Five should be more than enough…” Pete replied, as Lois took a stack of at least ten.
“Do you want anything to drink? For you, it’s an open bar.”
“Hell, yeah!” Lois scrambled over to the bar and started banging on the table.
Pete surveyed this and commented, “Bad idea. You’ll go out of business.”
“For tonight,” he adds, calling across the room.
“Well, better take advantage of it.” She continued to slam her fist on the counter and scream, “Hey, bartender, quit hiding. You’ve got a customer.”
The bartender, a tall but frightened looking thirty-ish man, meekly poked his head up from behind the counter.
Lois wasted no time in ordering. “I need five tequila shots and an appletini.” The bartender gave her a perplexed look, to which she replied flatly, “I’m a complex woman. Deal with it.”
She alternated between nursing her martini and downing her tequila with only a small twitch of the head. “Here, since this is all on the house, you should at least get a good tip.” She merely handed him a business card with an extension added onto it in purple ink. “It’s only tip I give.”
“Guess I’m the designated driver,” Pete commented, turning toward the owner.
* * *
Chloe sneered at the lipstick tube and held it up to toss it in the bathroom wastebasket, but at the last moment, thought better of it, and slipped it into a small plastic bag and hiding it under the sink when she heard rustling from the next room.
Still in her flannel shirt, she walked into
Chloe played along. “Yeah, must have been quite a rush.”
“Yeah, I borrowed this from Lana. The other stuff had red kryptonite in it. “You look like your withdrawing.”
“I’m sorry,
“You don’t under—”
Chloe shushed him while holding his head into her arms, stroking his hair. His eyes grew heavy and she helped him into bed until he fell asleep completely. She tried to walk away, but found
* * *
The sunlight shown brightly in her face, and Lana rolled over in bed to check the clock. It was nearly 10:30 in the morning, yet Lana still felt exhausted. She had gone to bed close to three and usually never felt this tired after so much sleep. She was kind of surprised that her alarm hadn’t woken her promptly at six-thirty.
She slipped out of bed, finding herself in a black, strapless tank and black jeans. This was neither the cocktail dress she wore to meet Lex in earlier last night nor the pajama set she kept in her top drawer. Granted, she was fairly tired after meeting Chloe in the hallway, and must have crashed, because she hardly remembered going to bed.
Lana was a very neat person, and her drawers were meticulously organized, so Lana figured Lois must have put this ensemble on top in her pajamas drawer—it wouldn’t be the first time Lois had messed with Lana’s organizational habits. Still the clothes were rather uncomfortable to sleep in and Lana had the most terrible itch on her lower back.
* * *
“Continuing your dream,”
“I, for one,” Lex stated, “think it’s great. Plus, word on the street is that the Atlantis owner is proclaiming on mountaintops about the saviors at Archangel Investigations. There’s a very visible police investigation. I even had to hold a press conference this morning.” He turned to Chloe, “Hey, I had my lab look at some of that lipstick you mentioned. Didn’t find any red kryptonite in it. Do you have your stick? It could be a packaging fluke.”
“It’s missing,” Chloe admitted.
Chloe tried not to look at
“I know
“He didn’t do it, Lex.”
“I know he didn’t do it,” she insisted.
Lex nodded and turned his head toward the staircase, where Lana walked down, in a business casual outfit and a smile.
“I know you set your own hours…” Lex began, looking at his watch.
“I overslept. It was an accident,” Lana replied tersely.
Chloe took a step back, but Lex didn’t move. His voice softened, “Lana, you’ve got bags under your eyes. Did you not sleep well?”
Lana stared blankly at his obvious concern. “I must not’ve.”
Chloe tried to study the scene, but felt her empathy blocked. As powerful as her empathy was, it could be consciously resisted by strong-minded individuals. The rest of the team practiced for years for the sake of privacy. Chloe did not fault them, gladly admitting her own too-curious nature.
“Anyway,” Lex continued, turning back to Chloe, “I’d do a random sample, but I got word from my attorneys this morning. I can’t continue using my R&D money or my laboratories to study the lipstick. It seems LuthorCorp owns the company that does testing for the manufacturer, Bailly Cosmetics. There’s a conflict of interest between it and LexCorp.”
“So that’s it?” Chloe asked.
“Yes. I’ve got a dozen feds breathing down my neck, looking for evidence that my father and I are in cahoots, monopolizing the market. It’s not worth the risk, unfortunately.”
Pete prompted, “You think your dad could be involved? Maybe putting some Red-K in random lipstick tubes.”
Lex chuckled. “As amusing as it would be for my dad to use cosmetics in his nefarious plots, I still wouldn’t give it more than 50-50 odds. Only a fraction of the meteor rock in Smallville is red. I had my enviro teams scour the town, so there’s few remnants of your home planet left,
* * *
Chloe rubbed her head. An hour ago, a four-foot-long white rat attacked a Starbucks at the corner of Fifth and Strouse. Chloe had received the vision, and now was trying to silence the hammers in her head. A rush of wind prompted her to call out, “
“I could hear you groaning from
“Pretty please,” she replied mock-sweetly.
He cleared his throat to say, “Chloe, about last night…”
“I know… You were on the little red X-pill. Friendship and professional relationship fully intact.”
“Someone up there’s got a sense of humor, don’t They?”
“You’re telling me. I’m just glad our friendship weathered another Red-K spell.”
“Oh, for God’s sake!” Lois said, appearing from thin air, Pete by her side.
Chloe jumped up from the bed, “Hey! How long have you been standing there?” She subtly glanced toward the nightstand where they transfusion kit lay, but neither Pete’s nor Lois’s attention seemed pointed there.
“Long enough to know you’re pulling the ‘Let’s be friends’ card. Again!”
Chloe shot back, “Hey, how is this any of your business?”
“When it’s my little cousin starting to run away from the love of her life.”
Chloe attempted to respond, but her mouth couldn’t formulate words. “
Lois answered first, “I figured out how to dampen the sound in my can’t-see-me aura.”
Pete jumped, “And, getting back on topic. You know how easily distracted Lois is.” Lois turned her head to shoot a dirty look at Pete, who didn’t notice. “
Chloe’s face trembled when
“No, it’s easier this way,” Lana’s voice forcefully claimed as she appeared in the doorway. “Clark, Chloe, I want you two to start making out right now.” Her tone was strong and leaving no room for contestation. Clark and Chloe faced one another, and after pausing briefly, met in a passionate kiss.
“Whoa,” Lois remarked, “why didn’t we think to recruit Princess Persuasive?”
Pete pondered the embrace. “I thought Clark and Chloe were fairly resistant to your super-voice.”
“People tend to resist less against things they actually want to do. I realized that for
Pete raised his hand, and Lana’s met his. “Our work here is done,” Lana commented as the three exited the room, leaving Clark and Chloe lip-locked.
Shortly after, Chloe broke the kiss, but remained close to
“Yeah?” he answered breathily.
“My head is killing me.”
“I like where this is heading,” she teased.
* * *
Lana plopped herself down on her magenta-sheeted king bed and opened her laptop. Oddly, her background had been changed from a horse theme to Wiccan insignia. Also, she noted her battery was nearly dead. Opening her internet browser, she also found her homepage moved from Google to The Church of Wicca. She cursed the “impenetrable” malware software Chloe had installed. Apparently one of the sites
She scratched her back again, causing her shirt to ride up, expositing a small, black ink dot on her lower back.
Director’s Commentary: I had to promise Allison Mack I’d never make her do this again. And, yes, that was 100% Allison. Sorry it was so dark. It was in her contract. But well worth the rating hike.
And, no, we did not steal this storyline from “Crimson.” Ask the network. Our scripts were submitted at the same time. I know the resemblance is uncanny, but it’s true. You’ve got to hand it to Aaron for bringing it during the Chlimmy breakup scene on both shows. The man is inexhaustible. Luckily, we’ve got him tied for more episodes.
Episode 106, which had a working title of “Roofie,” has been very apty rechristened “Siren” after some much-needed script rewrites. It will be a duly needed Pete-centric. Episode 107, entitled “Helen,” is in the works, though it’s not what you think. What it will be is fairly Lois-centric and “crowded.” That’s all I can say, and that’s all the spoilers you’re gonna get on the episode. The network is still mulling over 108, and after some script changes, it will hopefully be approved for airing.
I’m sure you all recognized Jason Alexander as “Chester Fields.” It was our first experiment in stunt casting and I think it paid off. The four fire metas were played, in order of appearance, by Matt Barr (“Jack Frosty”), Jonathan Rhys (“Hielo”), Roger R. Cross (“Blizzard”), and Alexz Johnson (“Blue”). The bartender was played by Josh Randall, who had the honor of playing the bartender in an Angel episode. And Jill Teed resumes her part as “Capt. Maggie Sawyer.”
On the next episode of Archangel Investigations: Pete meets up with an old flame. Clark and Chloe go out on their first date. Capt. Saywer does some research.
^_^ - I’m fairly sure I passed out from all the Hot!Chloe in the first scene.
©2006, 2007 Godeerc VanDrey Enterprises, Inc. Created Thursday, December 28, 2006. Finished Saturday, February 10, 2007. Updated Monday, May 7, 2007.