Friday, March 23, 2007

AAI: Episode 106: Siren

A/N: Type in “Angelika Libera” into IMDB. Got that image? Okay, you can read the story now.

Lex stood with his father above the 33.1 complex. “Well, it appears our last breakout was doubly productive. It was a huge gain for Archangel Investigations, and we got to test our ‘trump card.’” He peered down, where several scientists were doing tests on a bright red crystal.

Lionel smiled self-satisfactorily. “Indeed? So, which one of our red products brought out the beast?”

“The lipstick.”

“I had no idea your friend Clark was a transvestite,” Lionel goaded with a straight face.

Lex’s response was dry. “Chloe was wearing it. It appears to have been transferred somehow.”

Lionel muddled over this. “Interesting. That does leave the cause-and-effect relationship unclear, though.” His words continued to wander, “On the one hand, perhaps Miss Sullivan stood too close to Mr. Kent, and transfer occurred for obvious reasons, which would explain the prolonged effect.” The hypothesis was stated with doubt. “Or… perhaps you were wrong about romances muddying up the waters of the detective business.”

“I was with Clark and Chloe yesterday, and I detected no change in their relationship. If anything… compromising did occur, it seems Chloe let her insecurities get the best of her.”

Lionel jumped on top of that. “Ah, yes, I concur. Miss Sullivan does have a weak spot there. I seem to recall a certain Mr. Olsen, a photographer at the Planet, was to be distracting her.”

Sarcastically, he replied, “Well, Dad, I don’t have the whole story on that. You see, neither Chloe nor I are much for the girl talk. Perhaps next time I have a meeting with Lana, I’d be able to coax it from her.”

Lionel tried to sound surprised, “And how might you do that?”

“Dad, you trained me better than that, to have so little faith in your creation. I’ll figure it out.”

“You seem to be meeting with Miss Lang quite a bit,” he commented pensively.

The response was calculated. “She’s turned out to be shrewder than I realized at first. I hope to mentor her a bit.”

Mentor,” Lionel baited.

“Yes, Dad, Lana and I did have a prior romantic relationship. But I assure you, that our present relationship is nothing but professional.”

“Good to hear,” Lionel said, mostly sincere. “You wouldn’t want to eat where you…well…”

“Metaphor taken, Dad,” Lex answered, and changed the subject, “So, tell me, have there been any subjects giving you grief recently?”

Lionel just grinned at the question.

* * *

Away from the chaos of the praying mantis-like creatures being led into intergalactic jail transports, Lex pulled Lana aside.

“Lana, I never got a chance to really apologize to you about earlier.”

“Lex,” Lana replied venomously, “you locked me in a closet! You completely disrespected my wishes.”

“I was trying to keep you safe!”

“Lex, I can handle myself. I don’t need you or anyone else to keep me safe!” Lana declared with exasperation.

“You have to understand—”

Lana was quick to cut him off. “If you’re about to give me some sappy story about how you’ve lost so much of your family, it’s not going to work.” Lex looked taken aback, but Lana finished, “Lex, I have been there for you as you struggle with your family issues, but you’re using them as a crutch. You won’t be able to get close to anyone if you don’t trust them.”

“That’s funny coming from you,” Lex bit back. “You don’t trust anyone. Least of all me. I myself have fought and struggled to gain what little of your trust I have. C’mon, Lana, I try to get close to you, and you back off, spouting some line about how your parents died when you were three. As I recall, the only thing that kept you and Clark apart was that he wouldn’t let you in on his secret. Well, you know it now, and you’re not even throwing him a significant look. Face it; we’re both screwed up.”

“We’d be the perfect couple. Yet somehow it’s not working.”

Lex’s face dropped at this. “Lana, no. Don’t you dare run from this.”

“Lex, it’s over. I can’t do this anymore.” She spun around and walked toward the group, further and further away from Lex.

* * *

Outside the hotel, across the deserted street, stood Pete and Lois, in full costume, as Jimmy prepared his camera.

Pete was posing without shame, continually asking if he “should” take off his trench coat, exposing the white muscle shirt underneath. For the past week, he had doubled his regiment of weight-lifting for this very occasion.

Lois, on the other hand, patiently waited for Jimmy to finish with Pete. She showed no enthusiasm for the shoot, though when she thought no one was looking, she subtly pulled up on the straps of her bra.

Across the street, Chloe paced up and down the ten-foot path she was wearing into the sidewalk, with a notepad in hand as she mumbled to herself. “Bill General is an expert in his field, which is weapons.” She visibly cringed, but continued, “… his field in weaponry. He handles… he wields every blade as if he were born to hold it… grasp it… handle it… born to have it in his hand…” She groaned in frustration.

From the stairwell, Clark calmly smirked as he watched her with awe. As Pete again asked for a moment to adjust his coat, Jimmy chanced a look back at Chloe, who acknowledged him with a neutral expression before turning her eyes back to Clark.

“So…” Jimmy began, “does that mean you ‘n’ C.K.…” He trailed off, and Chloe answer was silence. Jimmy nodded with understanding. He turned around, and in an upbeat voice, called out, “Okay, Pete, last round. I’m still not satisfied with our Miss Parker shots.”

* * *

The expansive chamber was dark. Her employer liked it that way. So, the young woman simply sat back in her cushy seat, brushing her collar-length, mahogany-brown hair back. She was very beautiful, with creamy white skin and striking Mediterranean features. She grasped the crystal of her neck, feeling the spiritual energy within it. She began to doze, needing a nap; she had a long night ahead of her.

* * *

Lois and Pete sat behind the front desk, restless as a pair of bored schoolchildren. Chloe stood before them, wearing a strapless, calf-length periwinkle-blue dress and putting on earrings as she spoke to them, “Clark and I are really looking forward to this dinner. Thanks so much for holding down the fort.” Neither of the two would admit it, but she was striking a very motherly pose.

“Yeah, yeah,” Lois replied, “cut to the chase. Who gets to be in charge?”

“Pete,” Chloe simply replied.

“Yes!” Pete cheered.

“What? Why does he get to be boss? Come on, cuz, where’s the family loyalty?”

Patting down her immaculate hair, the blonde replied, “Oh, there’s family loyalty. You just happen to owe me for stealing Will Everett.”

“You were like ten! And I didn’t steal him. I just got caught kissing him. Nothing came of it.”

“It was at my birthday party, Lois; and I really liked him. So you’re second-in-command for once in your life.”

Before Lois could counter, Clark walked in, wearing a blue suit. She took that moment to ask him, “Hey, boss, who’s in charge tonight?”

Clark echoed Chloe’s decision, “Pete.” He slipped on a pair of black-framed glasses.

Lois cursed, “Yeah, I forgot you can hear everything in the tri-state area. You’re so whipped.”

“You called me ‘boss.’ I knew you were up to something. And I can hear her from a lot farther.”

“Can you hear me from afar?” Lois wondered.

“Assuming I wanted to.” They traded smirks.

Clark,” Chloe prompted briskly, “reservations are for eight, and we’re driving.”

“I could—”

There would be no compromise. “I spent forty-five minutes on my hair. We’re driving.” She dangled her keys for emphasis.

Pete called out, “Hey, Clark, what’s with the specs?”

Chloe answered, “I’m going out with Clark Kent, not Jordan Elliot. Like I’d really date my boss.”

* * *

Sawyer tapped her foot as she stood above Eric Yin, a crime lab technician. “So, what did you find on those names I gave you?”

“I’m betting they’re all aliases. I ran the pictures through FID, but came back inconclusive. Photographer thinks he’s an artist, and didn’t give us straight-ahead shots.”

“Didn’t we pay an obscene sum of money to send you to some profiling workshop?”

Yin leaned back in his chair, “It was money well spent. Let’s see what magic I can conjure. Witnesses describe Bill General as an enthusiastic fighter. A daredevil. So, I’m positive it’s a reference to General Bill.”

“And he’s…?”

“Not a big basketball fan, huh? General Bill is Bill Coltrane, the original owner of the Metropolis Generals. That limits our search to about 50% of the males in the Metropolis area.” Sawyer just nodded. “Jordan Elliot, it has to have some significance to him, but since we know he’s such a reclusive guy, it’s going to be a personal hero or role model, maybe even family member. He’s a vigilante, so chances are the namesake isn’t a criminal. As for Joanne Parker, female vigilantes are very rare. If they have an alias at all, it’s ought to be a famous feminist.”


“I figured you’d be up to date on that,” he said carefully. Without a response from Sawyer, he continued, “I can’t find any record of any famous Joanne Parkers. So, she must have deliberately chosen a common name. Though, Elizabeth McCallum intrigues me. McCallum is not that common of a surname. It must have significance. So I did a little genealogy search. There were a number of McCallums in the Smallville-Granville area for most of the nineteenth century. There weren’t any Elizabeth, but I found one name that had ‘Elizabeth’ as middle name. In fact, all the females on her father’s side of the family have ‘Elizabeth’ as a middle name. The name was Lana Lang.”


“Well, her name came up in connection with a name you’ve got flagged. Chloe Sullivan?”

Det. Sawyer’s mouth curled into a smile. “Well, I’ll be damned.” She scribbled down something on the sheet of paper. “This will give you access to File 193806. I want you to track down as many people as you can related to that file.”

Yin studied the paper. “You’re the boss.”

* * *

The ride so far had been quiet. Chloe drove.

“So,” she began, “we’re really trying this.” It sounded lame in her ears.

“Yeah,” Clark replied, no more coolly.

“I mean,” she continued, “we never know until we try.”

“I agree,” he said instantly.

“I mean, it’s not going to be a piece of cake trying to have a relationship.” She stumbled over the last word.

Clark replied quickly, “It never is.”

“No,” Chloe agreed. “But we work together…”

“I’m sort of your boss.” When she turned her head, he added, “But not really.”

Jordan is.”

Jordan is,” he echoed. “Plus, there’s Lana.”

Her head shot to the right again.

“I just meant, it’ll be weird, like it was when she and Lex got together.”

“Oh, that’s a valid point,” she backpedaled.

“Lana was part of the coup to get us together. Remember making out?” Chloe just nodded with a grin on her face. “You’re still really good at that,” he told her.

“I’ve had lots of practice.” Clark looked almost downtrodden, and Chloe added, “With you. How often have we found ourselves in compromising situations?”

“Too often,” Clark replied before correcting himself, “or a lot, I mean. It’s a nice situation to be in. Compromising, that is.”

“Yeah. Well, we’re almost there.” Clark cocked his eyebrow. “The restaurant,” she clarified.

“We were there almost five minutes ago. This is the fourth time we’ve driven around this same block.”

“I know,” she admitting before turning toward the valet parking.

* * *

Pete leaned against the front desk. Lois sat in a chair behind it. Their eyes were locked in heated fury, each one daring the other to make a move.

“Alburquerque, New Mexico.” Pete proclaimed.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana.” Lois replied.

Charleston, North Carolina.”

Dover, Delaware.”

Easton, Pennsylvania.”

Fredericksburg, Virginia.”

Gainesville, Florida.”

Honolulu, Hawaii. Doubles.”

Indianapolis, Indiana.”

“That’s so not fair! You’ve played before.”

“I have three brothers. We played this game all the time. Sometimes with less age-appropriate topics. Go.”

Juneau, Alaska. Point accepted.” Lois seethed loudly.

“That puts me five ahead, lackey.” His smile fell. “Crap, I forgot K.”

“Pete, thirty minutes on I-70 East, and you end up in Kansas City, Missouri.”

Pete let his head fall to the desk. “Points accepted. I’m still ahead though.”

“Not after we play non-US cities. Amsterdam, Netherlands.”

Brussels, Belgium. Doubles.”

Lois paused for a moment, “Calgary, Canada.”

“I’ve never heard of that city. Canada shouldn’t even count as a country. I’ll accept the point. Dublin, Ireland.”

“Good one. Easter Island Where the hell is Easter Island?”

“I dunno,” Pete replied, perplexed. “Is it even a real city?”

“Good question.”

The conversation was interrupted by the dinging of the entrance door bell. A stunning brunette woman walked in. Lois took a quick glance at Pete, who sat frozen with is mouth hanging open.

“Can we help you?” Lois said.

“Is this the, uh, Eury-… however you say it, Hotel? I need a room.”

“Actually—” Lois began.

“Yeah, we can probably get you a room,” Pete commented. The woman smiled.

Pete turned to Lois and whispered, “Give me a key.”

“No, I’m not giving you a key so you can hit on this chick.”

“Look, I think I’ve met her before. Just give me the key.”


Pete sighed. “What do you want?”

Lois paused as Pete squirmed. “I get to be in charge.”

“I still get to take her up to her room.”

Lois paused for a moment, looking at Pete, then dropped a key in his hand. “Deal.”

“Pleasure doin’ business with ya, boss.” Pete spun around. “So sorry, Miss, my assistant here had trouble finding an acceptable room.”

“That’s fine. I’m in no hurry.” Pete motioned to the flight of stairs. “If you’ll follow me up the stairs, we’ll take you to your room.” As he and the woman ascended the stairs, Pete stared at the key, seeing no number. He sent a pleading look down to Lois. He stole a glance at the woman, who gave no indication that she was paying attention, so he gave her a have-mercy gesture and mouthed “boss” again. She signaled 5-0-1 to him.

“So, you didn’t need my name or credit card or anything?”

“We’ll do that later. Though I’m going to need your name and phone number.” He tried to say it casually.

“Erika Fox,” she replied, extending her hand.

* * *

Pierre d’Eau was a quaint little French-style restaurant. When Lex was trying to impress a woman, he preferred the larger, ritzier La Maison Blanche. But, tonight, he dined at Pierre d’Eau, because his date preferred it. They were sitting at an elevated table near the back. Lana sipped her red wine as she dined on a lemony fish dish.

She reluctantly began to speak, “Listen, Lex, I wanted your thoughts on this.” He faced her with rapt attention. “I was thinking about doing field work.”

Lex almost chocked on his wine. “Really?”


He sighed. “Lana, you’re gonna give me high blood pressure.” Pausing for a moment, he began an exposition, “Clark is invincible. Pete can fight like nobody else. And Lois is a natural escapist. I don’t worry about them. But, as much power as you have over the simple-minded, I just worry about what would happen to you in combat.” Lana continued to stare him down as he shook his head, “Look, I can’t stop you from going out. But I can make you promise me that you’ll be careful. And that you’ll at least train first.”

She grasped his hand tightly. “Of course, Lex. And it’s just an idea. It’s not about the field. It’s about the fact that between Chloe and me, the front desk is overstaffed. You’ve seen the numbers we’re recording. There’s got to be a more efficient way to do business.”

Lex smirked coyly, “Now you’re just trying to turn me on.”

“Maybe a little bit.” She leaned forward, daring Lex’s eyes to divert toward her neckline. So wrapped up in the gaze, neither paid any attention to the other patrons of the restaurant. Because of their position, Lex and Lana couldn’t see Clark and Chloe sitting at a small table on the main floor. But Chloe could see them. Clark had his back to them and seemed pretty engaged in making the candle flame dance with his finger.

Studying them from afar, Chloe relayed to Clark, “Lex and Lana are here.” Clark turned his head to look before his eyes returned to his date. Chloe kept talking, “They’re here on a date. It seems like… I think they’ve been seeing each other for a while.” Clark just nodded, trusting Chloe’s heightened perceptions. “They’re happy, but… they’re hiding something. Lana… she’s afraid… not of Lex, but… but that Lex isn’t being sincere. Like he’s only going to fund Archangel Investigations as long as… as long as she sleeps with him.” She met Clark’s eyes, but found only concern there. She continued, “Lex… he still has secrets. Dark secrets. I don’t know what, though. He’s afraid, too, that Lana’ll find out. And that she’ll leave him.” Clark remained stoic. Chloe added, “They’re falling in love with each other again.”

“I’d feel kind of hypocritical calling them out on their interoffice liaison, wouldn’t you?”

She turned to face Clark, “Let’s just have dinner. It’s not any of our business.” But she didn’t sound completely sincere.

The night went fine. Chloe and Clark fell into a comfortable groove just chatting. In fact, once they got past the awkwardness-causing “You look great tonight” comments, their small talk flowed easily. They didn’t even notice when Lex or Lana disappeared.

In fact, it wasn’t until dessert that either remembered that they were on a date. Watching Clark eat his apple tarte with whipped cream aroused certain emotions in Chloe. And Clark definitely snuck peaks at Chloe downing her chocolate mousse. Also Clark was handed the bill.

“I was about to lick the bowl,” Chloe commented on the way back to the car, her arm in Clark.

“I noticed.”

“Uh-huh. Like you weren’t enjoying your apple thingie. I don’t I’ve ever seen you happier.”

At that moment, Chloe felt her purse snatched from her arm. She screamed, “Hey!” but Clark had already grabbed the guy by the back of his shirt. The thief legs ran out from under him and he landed flat on his back. Clark, without breaking the guy’s hand, Chloe hoped, pried Chloe purse and returned it to her.

“Well, I guess we can’t go out without a little excitement,” Chloe commented.

Since they’d rather not attract attention to themselves, Chloe flirted with the valet, who volunteered to talk to the police so that they could go home.

* * *

Erika knew that Pete asking her to spot for him was nothing more than a ploy. She could tell by the size of his arms that she’d be next to no good holding his weights up for him.

“So,” Pete said, not without effort, since he was lifting a very heavy load, “what have you been up to since high school? We didn’t talk much after the formal.”

“Yeah, that was my fault. I was kind of shallow back then. I’d stay with a guy until I got asked out by someone of a higher string on the football team.”

“No harm, no foul,” Pete replied, straining to life the weight once more.

“Well, anyway, I got into Kansas State with a full ride. Majored in business. Was a Tri-Psi until it got shut down.”

“I heard about that. Vampires?”

Erika looked uncomfortable, replying, “That was the Met U chapter. Our problem was hazing. Kind of pushed the Walk of Shame too far.”

“Do tell,” Pete said, straining to push the bar up once more, having no success, but not daring to ask for help.

Erika leaned over and whispered into his ear. Wide-eyed, the weights shot up in Pete’s hands, where he laid them down on the catch before he killed himself.

“So,” she began, “how’d you end up managing a hotel?”

“Kind of funny story actually.”

“You’re with that supernatural detective agency, aren’t you?” she asked plainly.

Pete paused, “Yeah. Thing is, kind of trying to keep a low profile about my real identity.”

“My lips are sealed. Honestly, I’ve known all along. Why else would I come to a hotel that’s obviously not open?” Pete stood stunned. “I saw your picture in a newspaper ad. What’s your superpower? Those nice muscles?”

“These are all natural.” He didn’t actually need to flex, but Erika was leading him on, so he relented. “Actually, I just have this super-instinct with sword and daggers and what not.” Pete’s eyes dropped to her neck, where she was fingering a clear crystal necklace. “Hey, I recognize that.”

“Really? I picked it up in Paris. They’re big there.”

Pete grinned, “You know Lucy Lane?”

“Doesn’t ring a bell. Was she a Tri-Psi or something?”

“Not sure.”

Waggling her eyebrows, she asked, “Was she really hot?” Pete was fairly sure he may never find words again.

* * *

“It was like nothing had changed. Like we were still just buddies,” Chloe confessed to the phone headset, “Was it ever like that with you and Clark?”

From her cell phone, Lana replied, “No, but we had a very different relationship. I think we would have fared better if we’d begun as friends.”

“It’s just, I can never tell if he thinks of me as a girl or not. I mean, I wore the red dress, and I don’t know if he looked below my neck once.”

Lana paused. “Well, I’m not saying that’s not a bit strange. Hell, I look when you wear the red dress. Granted, it’s more out of jealousy…”

“Shut up. It’s like the one thing I’ve got on you. But, any ideas what the problem might be?”

“Forgive me for even bringing this up, but it’s possible that Clark’s thinking back to the first time you two got together. He may be wondering if back then he was just trying to get over me.”


“Don’t think for a moment I don’t think you and Clark would be great together. Or that for some reason I want him back.” She laughed at part. “I’m saying Clark might be a big, dumb alien who doesn’t know his own feelings. Question is, are you willing to fight for it?”


“If not, then maybe you ought to cut your losses. I’m telling you right now, as pretty as he is, a relationship with Clark is trickier than you might think. Maybe you’re smarter getting out.”

Chloe was quiet for a long time, but Lana sat unfettered, drinking her coffee, waiting patiently for Chloe to say…

“I love him,” Chloe whispered.

“Yeah, I know,” Lana replied matter-of-factly, “And he’s crazy about you. Hang in there.”

“Then what was that ‘Maybe you’re smarter getting out’ stuff.”

“A test. You passed. I’ll help you pick out china patterns. I’m thinking something floral.”

“A test? You’re evil, you know that?”

“I tried to push plates with flowers on you. Yeah, I’m evil.”

“Got to go, I think we have a client.”

“Bye.” Lana hung up right as a woman sat down across from her.

A woman of some thirty years with elaborately styled hair and high fashion clothing sat down and wordless pulled out a tape recorder and notepad. Looking up and tilting her head to the side superiorly, she asked, “Okay, princess, what can I do for you?”

“I want you to look into Lex Luthor.”

Linda Lake sneered, “Look, honeybunch, I’m a celebrity affairs columnist, not a private investigator. Not that Lex isn’t newsworthy, but I’m kind of getting the vibe that you’re more interested in finding what pinup of the month the good billionaire is screwing, so maybe you’ll get your second chance.”

“You recognize me?”

“I’ve got files, honey, and ‘Lana Lang’ definitely was a name under Lex’s notorious Chippy of the Week list.” With this, Linda took the glass of water of sitting that the waiter had set down beside her and down the entire thing in half a dozen soft gulps.

“Well, if I was just on his ‘Chippy of the Week’ list, then you obviously haven’t been paying attention because I’ve been his steady secret girlfriend going on three months now.”

Linda popped and ice cube in her mouth. She sucked on it and it melted in record time as she examined Lana. “I’ve got a lot of celebs to follow. And a private monogamous relationship of a non-movie star? Doesn’t exactly make headlines. You sure he’s faithful?”

“I would think you’d be just as interested in that as I would.”

Linda looked heatedly at Lana, and, had her hand not been sitting in her lap, Lana would have noticed it was bubbling. “Three months? Must mean you’re intelligent. He only wines-dines-wham-bam-thank-you-ma’ams the ditzes. Anyway, what’s my motivation for focusing on Lexy Warbucks?”

“How ‘bout a tell-all?”

“Alright, it’s a start, but if I don’t dig up any dirt in my investigations, I’m dropping you like a skinny sack of potatoes.”

With syrupy sweetness, Lana replied, “Pleasure doing business with you.”

* * *

As Chloe hung up, Maggie Sawyer entered the doors of Archangel Investigations with confidence. She eyed the very familiar blond woman behind the desk, who looked up at her and greeted her, “Hello, welcome to Archangel Investigations… Detective Sawyer.”

Too easy, Sawyer thought. With innocence, she baited, “Do we know each other?”

Sawyer was not prepared for the answer. “Chloe Sullivan. I used to give you hell with my reporter nosiness a few years back before you transferred.”

Her face dropped. “Oh, well, of course I remember you. How could I forget?” she teased.

“Can I help you with something? Maybe something about the Atlantis incident?

“No, no, we’ve got that all wrapped up. I just came to chat. I was curious; how did you and ‘the team’ meet?”

Chloe answered plainly, “Hang around people of the superpowered persuasion as much as I do, you’re bound to make a few contacts.”

Sawyer displayed an AAI poster. “I couldn’t help but notice that Jordan Elliot looks like your friend Clark Kent, who I also seem to recall gave me trouble.”

“Busted,” commented Chloe a little too lightly. “Yeah, Clark whetted my taste for tall dark men that I’m not quite over.”

“Oh, so you and Jordan…?”

“God, no. No one gets close to Jordan. He’s a good guy, maybe not a team player, but he gets the job done.” She tacked on, “And there’s the whole sizzle factor.”

“So, anyway, what is Clark up to these days? Keep in contact?”

Chloe paused without breaking a sweat, “Yeah, we do. He still runs his dad’s farm, bless his heart.”

“There was an incident at Pierre d’Eau last night. Valet says it happened to two people fitting yours and Jordan Elliot’s description.”

“The world’s most incompetent mugging? That was actually Clark and I. He was in town visiting his mom. We went out to dinner.”

Sawyer faced remained steeled, “Tell me, you ever see your cousin?”

“Which one? Lois or Lucy? Lucy’s been MIA for years. Lois is on extended study abroad to Germany. She was supposed to return in October… of 2008. I think she kind of enjoyed the local cuisine a little too much. And by cuisine, I mean beverage.”

“What about Lana Lang?”

Chloe pretended to be intrigued by the line of questioning. She dutifully responded, “Uh, well, she moved to Gotham after she graduated. I want to say she’s teaching art.”

“How ‘bout Pete Ross?”

Her eyes widened. “If you can track him down, have him give me a call.”

Sawyer studied Chloe, who looked back with innocence and sincerity. “Well, just curious.” As she moved to the door, she turned back for one last shot, “Happen to have a relationship with Veronica Venus?”

Chloe looked downtrodden, “Damn, I thought I was keeping a better cover. You got her real name from the intern exchange right? 2007? She’s gonna kill me.”

Sawyer again paused. “Your secret’s safe with me,” she feigned.

* * *

“And…” Clark replied worriedly, as he sat at the foot of Chloe’s bed.

“Threw her off. I was a dorky pair of glasses away from being Jayson Blair.”

“You always were really good at that.” He pressed a syringe into a small jar of blood.

As he knelt beside her, she turned to him and asked, “Clark, I’m having second thoughts about our relationship.”

Clark steeled himself and looked up, “Okay… um, I guess you want to preserve our friendship. And we talked about how this wasn’t a good idea last night… plus, we’ve tried this before and only a crazy person would—”

He was cut off as Chloe pressed her lips against his. As she pulled away, he noted she was staring intently into his eyes.

“Uh, Chloe, am I not paying attention well enough, ‘cause you’re really confusing me.”

“It’s pretty easy. I was testing you Clark. You passed.”

He lowered his eyebrows and stuck her with the needle. She yelped. “Hey!”

“Serves you right.”

“It’s not my fault you talk better without words. I should just read you all the time.”

“So, we’re…”

“Don’t tell me you’re not excited about that.”

He just looked back at her with the tiniest of smiles.

* * *

When Lois entered came down to the workout room, Pete and Erika were passionately kissing. He had her pressed against the wall. Their hands explored relentlessly.

“Gee, why does everyone get action around here but me?”

She walked to the large mat and began sparring with a fighting dummy.

As Erika went to work on his neck, Pete gave Lois a dirty look. “Do you mind?”

“Do you? You’ve got a room, and so does Miss Second-Base-In-A-Public-Area.”

Erika whispered in Pete’s ear, “You know, she’s got a point. I’d love to see your room.”

Lois couldn’t blame Pete for how quickly he pulled his new paramour out of the room.

* * *

Detective Sawyer marched into the room. “Tell me you’ve tracked down those names.”

“You betcha. Clark Kent: he lives in a town called Smallville about three hours south of us.”

“You sure about that?”

“Somehow I knew you’d ask about that. Yes, I’m sure. I called the station down there. A deputy lives down the road from him and he says that Clark farms a small section of farmland. Enough to keep a man busy all day. He said, and I quote, ‘I don’t reckon Kent’s got time to make six-hours trips.’”

Sawyer sighed, “Okay. The rest?”

“We tracked down Lana Lang. She lives in Gotham City and teaches art at some special school for disadvantaged youths. I talked with the proprietor himself.”

In his penthouse office in Gotham, Bruce Wayne grinned as he looked at his phone. It was an easy favor to Clark and Chloe to claim their friend Lana worked at his school. He just might make a visit to Metropolis soon.

“Okay, I tracked down Lois Lane,” Yin continued, “It was pretty easy. Her father’s a three-star general, and I talked to some second lieutenant with the British Army who’s been keeping tabs on her. Says she lives in Germany now doing odd jobs.”

Slipping his hand across his bleach-blond hair, Spike commented to himself, “The favors I do for Angel and his lackies.” Checking out the window, he noticed dusk had broken and it would probably be a good time for a pint.

“And Pete Ross?” Saywer requested.

“He’s a geologist for hire. He’s on some archeological dig in Guatemala sponsored by LexCorp.”

Sawyer didn’t answer, just stomped out to the room toward the chief’s office.

Chief Bullock didn’t even look up from his copy of The Planet when Sawyer walked in.

“I was wrong, Harv; it’s not them.”

The burly, black-haired man looked up, “Strange. You usually have a sixth sense about these things. I’m disappointed. I wanted those names.”

“Look, Harv, it’s my number one priority. I’ll get you that info.”

“That’s all, Mags.”

Sawyer stopped with her back to Bullock. “I told you not to call me that.”

“Hey, we do what we do to get where we are, Sweet Cheeks. Just ‘cause you never liked it doesn’t mean I didn’t have the time of my life.”

Sawyer walked out.

Bullock picked up his phone and dialed a number by memory. “She’s clueless. Whoever this group is, they’re good at keeping secrets.” He paused to listen, “Hey, whatever the hell get these freaks of my streets, I’m okay with… No, you’re my most generous benefactor and I never disappoint my supporters.”

* * *

Pete lay in bed alone, in boxers, grinning from ear to ear. He hadn’t even had to open his box of condoms. He was slightly disappointed that she had to run off so soon, but the night had sure been worth it. Pete was still in a daze from the nearly surreal occurrence.

* * *

The tall, dark-haired woman paid no heed to the gurgling water cooler as she passed by the dazed doorman at Metropolis’s most exclusive apartment complex. Clutching the crystal necklace she’d taken from her subordinate earlier that night, she pressed the up button on the elevator. She stood elegantly as the elevator ascended to the fifty-second floor, spraying perfume on. She knocked on the door and when it was opened, she grinned. “Honey, I’m home.”


Director’s Note: It was great to get Sam Jones in his prime again. Then again, I would too, if someone brought in Angelika Libera to perform with me. Angelika has really grown as an actress and we were thrilled that we didn’t have to recast the part of “Erika Fox.” Our only regret is that we had to cut so much of his screen time. We recorded about 65 minutes of good film and had to cut it down. We pushed most of the Linda Lake stuff to subsequent episodes, but by adding so many subplots, we really couldn’t cut much more out except for the Pete/Erika buildup.

Anyway, thanks to Tori Spelling for reprising her role.

Jill Teed reprises her role as “Capt. Maggie Sawyer.” And thanks to whoever’s butt the casting department kissed for letting us borrow Patrick Warburton. He did great in his cameo as “Chief Harvey Bullock.” Leonard Wu portrayed “Lab Tech Eric Yin.”

I know a lot of you have been saying it’s a cardinal sin that Annette O’Toole hasn’t reprised her role, and we agree. She’s been doing a movie with hubby Michael McKean and hasn’t been able to come back, yet. Luckily, she’s finished filming, and we hope to be able to carve out some screen time for her in the next few episodes. And since we mentioned him, there may be another Perry White cameo or two in the near future.

Kristoffer Polaha was our stand-in for “Bruce Wayne.” James Marsters reprised his role as “Spike.” He wants everyone to know that he did not bleach his hair.

We finally got 108 ironed out, and, ratings pending, it is scheduled to air. They were unusually skeptical, but after telling them my ideas for the two following episodes, with working titles of “Halloween” and “Invader,” they got on board real quick. We’ll be having a meeting soon where they’ll let me know how many episodes I’ll have to round out the season.

Though, before long, I’m going to have to set up a pitch for Season 2. It’s a tough market.

Oh, and I hope the Canada barb didn’t offend anyone. We’re filming out of Vancouver and we’re making light of the fact.

On the next episode of Archangel Investigations: AAI calls for reinforcements when multiple metas escape 33.1. Lois isn’t happy.

A/N: I know, I’m a horrible person for not updating in like a month. School work came up.

^_^ - Why is Clark so conflicted? There is Chloe and there is not Chloe. Chloe is clearly superior.

Episode 107: Helen

©2006 Godeerc VanDrey Enterprises, Inc. Created Monday, January 29, 2007. Finished Friday, March 23, 2007. Updated Monday, May 7, 2007.

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