Wednesday, January 23, 2008

League o' Justice: Canine

Everything is in tip-top shape on the Moving House. My subjects have just returned from the Outside. I’d be more specific, but this is a special type of house where the outside keeps changing, ergo “The Moving House.”

Perhaps I shall introduce myself. I am Kinopravda, the greatest nature documentarian of our age. Though, perhaps if you have not had the good fortune of being born a Canine, you would be inclined to call me “Shelby.” I don’t mind; it’s a name I associate with the kindest subjects I have gotten a chance to study. You see, this is actually my fifth location of study. The first was my place of birth. It was a nice place and I got along well with my brothers and sisters. Though, it was quickly apparent that I stood out from the rest, intellectually. Being an autodidact, I found my true calling in life to study the larger and reasonably intelligent lifeforms known as Humans.

My second location was the Scary Place of Pointy Objects, where I developed my first impression of the Humans: they were evil creatures who delighted in torturing us higher beings. I escaped after being struck by a Metal Cow, which led me to my third location, which was the Big House of the Groundworkers, who changed my perceptions quickly.

It was there where I was first introduced to Herakles (as I named him; the Humans also name themselves, quite uncreatively, I might add), who would be my most intriguing subject. But I eventually had to leave the Big House. The Alpha Male, Beauregard (whom I affectionately called “Beau”), a groundworker, died. His mate, Dutchess, soon began taking several retreats to place she identified only as “Wichita.” I must admit that was unable to discover whether this was a real location or some metaphorical state of spiritual retreat. Herakles stayed with me for awhile, but he too had to go on a retreat, so I was left in the care of Miss E.J. in the House of Smells. I liked it there because there were always crumbs on the floor downstairs, even though the brown water that Humans like to drink tasted horrible. Miss E.J. was a Human female who showed up at the Big House often during my study there. I first figured her to be one of Herakles’s mates. Originally, I hypothesized (wrongly it would turn out) that because Herakles wasn’t quite a Human, he might be polygamous, which we Canines consider to be part of a more advanced social system. It turns out that Herakles possibly had lost Miss E.J. to another male, a man-pup I named Blinky, named so because of this strange lightning-producing box he carried around with him constantly, like a collar. I never understood why Miss E.J. chose him over Herakles, who was larger and stronger, clearly the signs of an Alpha Male who should have his pick of the females. Herakles, on the other hand, seemed pretty attached to this other bitch, who reminded me of a Chinese Crested Dog. She would never pet me.

For my Human listeners, I think you have a different definition of “bitch,” right? You should be appalled.

Anyway, I tried to study Miss E.J. and Blinky’s behavior during mating, to figure out why it was that she thought him to be a superior mate, but my presence seemed to make them uncomfortable, and pretty soon, Blinky stopped visiting. I guess Heisenberg was right.

Herakles finally returned, and he and Miss E.J. brought me to the Moving House, where I had a number of very intriguing subjects to study. Perhaps you’d like a tour?

I always like to start the tour with the lair of the Alpha Male, otherwise known as Reynard. I’ve never understood why Reynard holds this status. True, he is tall, though not any taller than Herakles. And Herakles clearly outmatches him in strength. Reynard’s singular talent seems to be launching pointy sticks with this other stick. While I can see the potential value in such a talent, Reynard rarely puts it to use. I’ve not once seen him fetch the stick.

Perhaps in time, I shall understand their social structure. At this moment, Reynard’s personal cave is blocked, so just give me a moment to play with this box on the wall… Ah! There it goes! As you’ll see, Reynard is currently asleep with his mate, Madonna. Now, as far as Human females go, she seems attractive enough. The only unattractive quality I kind find about her (besides not being canine) is that sometimes she sounds like a cat whose tail is being stomped on. Times a hundred. Though, I shouldn’t be judgmental of Reynard. I went through this Schnauzer phase when I was about four that in retrospect I don’t understand at all.

I have strong suspicions that Madonna may have been spayed. You see, she and Reynard seem to mate quite a lot, and I’ve never seen any indication that she’s going to have puppies. But, it appears they’ve tried again, so let me see if I can detect any change.

Oh, I’m getting too old to jump on beds. Now, let’s see if I can get a good sniff in.

Shelby!” Madonna cries to me, grabbing my muzzle, “Get your snout out of there!”

Well, Miss, I didn’t get a good examination in, but I’d say you’re not pregnant.

She covers herself up, as if I care. She seems to forget that my species has exposed milk glands. In fact, seeing them would actually aid in my pregnancy diagnosis.

“How’d you get in here?” Reynard asks me, a little tired.

Same way you did: through the door. You think the blinky box would keep me out? Please. Sometimes I wonder how intelligent Humans really are.

Reynald seems pretty cranky, which would contradict the theory that he’s the one that’s fixed and therefore responsible for Madonna’s lack of puppies.

Anyway, nothing going on here; let’s move along. My next subject is Asimov. The door to his cave is open, so let’s see what he’s up to. He’s working on the Glowbox, with numerous wires sticking out of his forelegs. I moan and he turns to me and grins. He reaches out his paw and rubs my head. Underneath his skin, his hand feels hard, but he’s really good at the rubbing, so I don’t complain.

“Hey, Shelbs,” he says to me, though I can barely pay attention through the rubbing, “looking for someone to play with?”

In truth, I am, but I know once he was connected to his glowbox, he’s hard to drag away. Miss E.J. is the same, though at least she’s not physically attached. I myself try to avoid leashes.

I wander off, leaving Asimov to his work or play.

I find that the Big Door to the Outside is open, and I see, briefly, Jack-Boy fooling around. I say briefly because he tends to disappear. After long hours of study, I realized he was running, much like a jackrabbit, hence the name.

I head out. Jack-Boy seems to be the pup of the group. In truth, he’s not really a pup; it’s clear from his interactions with Miss E.J. that he’s been through puberty. Being the most fun-loving of the group, he’s an easy target for play. With my fuzzy ball of tastiness in my mouth, I approach him. He quickly grasps the ball and throws it. I start running, but a gush of wind tells me the effort’s futile. A second later, he’s beside me again, with the ball in his paw. “Looks like you were too slow that time, boy.”

I resist the urge to bite him on the hock… or elsewhere. “Elsewhere” might earn me a couple of brownie points with Miss E.J., but I decide it’s not worth it. He launches the ball again and I respond by lying down, eyeing him, daring him to make the first move. Jack-Boy’s not what you would call patient, so he quickly darts off to retrieve the ball.

Upon returning, he states, “Shelby, I promise to let you play this time.”

A likely story. It’s not really fair to their species, but I guess I’ll have to use my intellect against him.

He winds up and throws the ball, chasing after it immediately, only to return a moment later to find me with the ball already in my mouth, relaxed and waiting. He takes on a rather bulldog-like appearance, his mouth wide open and his tongue nearly hanging out. I’d love to tell him that I grabbed the ball out of his paw before he could throw it, but it’s not worth the effort to take the tasty tennis ball out of my mouth. Like he speaks Dog anyway.

Realizing that his primitive brain—okay, that’s harsh; Human aren’t that far behind Canines, especially when you faction Cows and Felines into the equation—will shut down before he realizes what I’ve done, I lay the ball on the ground and look up at him expectantly. He snaps out of it and throws the ball hard. So hard that it lands in the nearby pond. I race after it. Jack-Boy stops short of the water, complaining about a lack of a swimsuit. I leap right in, naked as the day I was born. As if it were such an unnatural occurrence. Triton, another of my subjects, does it all the time. In fact, here he is. Let’s take a dive underwater to see if…

Yep. He’s so predictable.

“Hey, Canine Buddy, what’s up? Looking for this?” He pulls the Ball of Infinite Flavorfulness out of the water and throws it across the pond. I go doggy-paddling—what else?—after it. Within a few paws’ length of it, a great uprising of water launches further away from shore. I grin and chase it further. I’ve yet to figure how Triton is capable of this trick, but I don’t complain. At least he never steals the ball from me. At least not recently.

I noticed as I zero in on my fuzzy morsel, the water becomes more turbulent. Under the surface of the water, I see him zipping back and forth. I stop for a moment, trying to catch my breath, which Triton is not making easy on me.

But before I know what’s happening, I find myself on shore, which Triton hanging over me. “Hey, there, Furry, don’t you drown on me. Bro Scout will have my tail.”

I simply pant on shore, watching with an inner grin as Jack-Boy covers his eyes, commenting, “Yo, Tom Sawyer, as close as we are, there are parts of you I’m not that comfortable with yet. You don’t see me doing my Michael Johnson thing in my birthday suit.”

“There was that time Ollie forgot to friction-proof your suit.”

I remember that particular occurrence. He was as red as his costume. Former costume. Late costume. Whatever.

I have no interest in taking part in this particular discussion, so I take hold of my ball and stroll back into the Moving House.

Miss E.J. is on her glowbox and Herakles is hovering over her.

Literally. Jack-Boy’s a bunny. Triton’s a fish. And now my Herakles is a bird. You’d think one of these Humans would evolve into a higher being, like a Dog.

Come to think of it, my subjects teamed up with a wolf-human at one point. I tried to start a conversation, but Wolf is a very distinct dialect, and his was very rusty.

Anyway, I’m getting off-topic. Miss E.J. is shooting Herakles angry looks. He’s oblivious, prompting her for more information about something he keeps calling “Intergang.” Speaking of oblivious, Miss E.J. is as usual saturating the air with pheromones. Herakles doesn’t seem to be responding. Maybe that’s where Jack-Boy keeps getting his false positives. Even I knew when to back off that smokin’ Border collie down the road of the Big House. What was her name? Annabelle…

“Look, there’s nothing wrong with Tiffany,” Miss E.J. informs Herakles. “These guys are good at hiding stuff. I’m telling you, a few more missions, and I’ll be able to dig further.”

I whine at her hindpaws. Frankly, it’s a fairly shameless act because it works so well on Humans, but it earns me a head rub, so it’s hard to feel ashamed. Miss E.J. is just as good as Asimov, except it doesn’t feel like she’s hiding rocks under her skins, and…

Dang, she is really good at this. What was I saying?

Herakles, you buffoon, it could be your head she’s rubbing. Or, you know, whatever suits your fancy.

I’ve always considered the Principle of No Interference to be silly, so… shove.

Miss E.J. almost falls out of her chair, but it quickly caught by Herakles.

“Thanks, Clark.” She turns to me, still in Herakles’s arms. “Now what was that for?”

For the propagation of your species, thank you very much, Missy.

* * *

Geez, you’d think we were chasing a cat the way Reynard is flying the Moving House. I take my spot in the co-pilot’s seat, which Jack-Boy often steals from me, and watch as we come up on some strange piece of land. I wonder if someone needs a bathroom break. There seems to be plenty of trees…

Oh, great, now I have to go. Those waterfalls don’t help.

Jack-Boy and Herakles meet us when we land on the island. I race out before anyone can stop me.

With the cat-like agility, a number of Female Humans emerge from the bushes. My subjects take their aggressive postures so I put myself in a prone position. I learned that my subjects tend to get into dog fights with some pretty nasty enemies, so I tend to lay low when they’re itching for a brawl. I really wanted to claim one of the beautiful trees, but it appears that I’ve claimed this spot right here. For the time being, I don’t mind having ownership.

Just as expected, the Females and my subjects start to fight. Little do they know my subjects are very talented. Jack-Boy quickly relieves of their long pointy sticks, but is ironically not quick enough to avoid being kicked into a tree by one of the Females. I laugh to myself as this as Herakles is attacked. The Females clearly did not expect him to be so formidable. I actually feel bad for the vegetation and rocks. Herakles and Asimov are both much harder than both. And these Females don’t seem bothered by running into trees, which does hurt, take it from me. Don’t ask.

Okay, it involves squirrels, alright? Geez, you think they weren’t little demons sent to terrorize the Earth and Dogs especially. I’m just doing patriotic duty!

Okay, never mind, because another bitch has shown up. I crouch lower because she’s kind of too close to me for comfort. As I mentioned, I’m not the match for trees that my subjects are. Anyway, at this angle, I notice how tall she is. Much taller than Madonna or Miss E.J. In fact, she’s only about two paws shorter than Herakles. Like an Amazon or something. She’s rather pretty for a Human Female, I think. Her fur is dark, unlike either of my female subjects.

What can I say? Everyone wants to be light-furred. We have a lot of fun.

The Amazon punches Asimov and he goes flying through a tree.

Yes, through a tree. Huh, that’s a lot farther than the other Amazons (I like the name; I’ll go with it) have been able to send him. And he’s not getting up.

Mailman, this is not good news. But Herakles is here. I’m not usually for the hitting of bitches, but this one deserves it.

Anyone, here comes Herakles running like Jack-Boy, and…


Okay, sometimes when Herakles tries to hit someone who’s as tough as him, this weird thing happens where they make a really loud noise (especially for my ears) and suddenly there a hard wind from each direction and everyone around us falls on their rumps. This is one of those times.

Both Herakles and the Amazon he just tried to hit are massaging their forepaws, glaring at each other like cats do when they’re angry. Suddenly the Amazon grabs Herakles around the ruff and Herakles does the same to her. Then, Herakles does his flying thing, dragging her into the air. I tilt my head to watch. Herakles releases her and after a moment of getting her balance, she too starts to float. Pardon me for examining it so much, but I’m a nature documenatarian, you understand. They fly differently from one another. Whereas Herakles is more of a hummingbird or insect, able to just float there and zip around, this Amazon isn’t as stable. She, like bigger birds, seems to be riding on the wind. So when she tries to swoop down at him, Herakles just floats out of the way and the Amazon comes tumbling down.

Reynard, holding his pointy stick thrower threateningly, barks to the Amazons, “Listen, we don’t want to hurt you. We’re just trying save a man who crashed here.”

None of the Amazons seems to understand him, so I try repeating what they said, on the off-chance they speak Dog. They don’t.

But then an older Amazon bitch comes out and speaks, in Human, but it’s different. The Humans call them “accents.” It’s comparable to way greyhounds and pit bulls, for example, sound different, even though they both speak Dog.

“We are sorry. This place has not been visited by Man for many years. What business do you have?”

So the Amazon Herakles was fighting starts to speak Human, too, only with a much thicker “accent.” “Mother, this one is strong, like Heracles. Perhaps Ares has sent us another conqueror.”

Wait, how’d she know my name for Herakles?

The mature Amazon continued, “We are the Amazons…”

Huh, there’s another coincidence.

“How did you find this place?” she continues.

Reynard answers, “We saw a plane go down here. We were only trying to help.”

The other Amazons start speaking in a language that’s not Human. Reynard seems to think it’s something called “Greek.”

The only time I’ve ever encountered something “Greek” was when Beau, Duchess, and Herakles ate something called “Greek salad.” I tried it. It wasn’t very good.

Anyway, apparently there was just a misunderstanding. So, everyone stops fighting. This is odd for me. I mean, I do like it when I’m not in danger of being attacked by a super-strong creature, but we Canines usually only stop fighting when one of us runs off whimpering, leaving the other Dog to mark his territory. It’s the Rules of the Street.

Oh, wait, I marked my territory. Maybe I saved the day.

* * *

So, right now, I’m wondering if it would be too much trouble for Reynard and Company to start giving me this “venison” stuff. ‘Cause it kind of reminds me of deer meat.

My subjects and the Amazons are sitting around a fire, which is this toy that Humans have, which looks pretty but hurts your snout like a woman if you try to smell it.

What? “Hurts like a woman”? Not so nice the other way around, huh?

Anyway, Jack-Boy is really interested in the reproduction of the Amazons, because there are only bitches here. He is answered by the Alpha Female (because there’s no Alpha Male obviously; what a waste), who calls herself Hippolyta, which sounds to me and Triton like the names of those ugly pond-cows I met when Reynard took us to someplace called “Congo.” Apparently, her daughter, named Diana, the Amazon Herakles fought, was born out of a lump of dirt.

Not that I’m judging. We Canines love digging in the dirt, so if it didn’t mean there wouldn’t be copulating, it’s a form of procreation that I could get behind.

Though, it turns out that the Amazons do copulate. With each other. This gets Jack-Boy as jumpy as a… well, jackrabbit. Appropriately. While Reynard, Asimov, and Miss E.J. take it in stride, A.C. looks a little uncomfortable and Herakles’ skin darkens, especially as he tries to hide glances at Diana, who’s sitting beside him.

This worries me, for Miss E.J.’s sake. Herakles is sitting between her and Bellatrix (who I wanted to name Artemis from Aegean mythology, but it turns out one of the Amazons is named Artemis, which makes me think they’re fans of Aegean mythology, too; I believe “Bellatrix” is quite appropriate, mixing the Latinate “bella” meaning beautiful as well as “bella-trix” meaning “female warrior”; apparently the name also appears in some Human book about a furry pot-maker and his trinkets; my subjects are all too embarrassed to admit to one another if they’ve read the book; I would be too; it sounds dull). Anyway, Herakles’ body language seems to indicate that he wishes to mate with Bellatrix. And she’s emitting what may be pheromones. I have doubts she’s Human. She’s somewhat like Herakles, but her scent’s different. I find it odd that so many species look like Humans while relative few (the lucky ones) look like Canines. But she’s also staring at the injured Human who I think is another “visitor” to the Amazon island. I’ve named him “Beretta,” which is the name of a great Human warrior; I also happen to think it sounds rather masculine. Given his current state of pain, I’d say he got the same welcome as us. Poor thing. Human are much less medically advanced than Canines. Humans still prefer to clothe their wounds instead of licking them. Canines have never felt the need for clothing, and that extends to the treatment of our wounds.

Of course, apparently the Amazons have something called a “Purple Ray,” which I guess is another Human medical “advancement.” I already know it to be a crock because of the name. “Purple” is a “colors.” “Colorses” are a number of hallucinations that Humans have resulting from their inferior sight. Eventually they’ll learn the healing properties of the tongue.

While Herakles seems interested in Bellatrix, and Bellatrix in Baretta, Baretta seems interested in the air in front of his eyes. I think it’s a result of the “injection” Reynard gave him for the pain. Reynard likes his pointy objects. “Injections” are another Human medical fallacy. I believe it’s a conspiracy by “The Vet,” an evil subculture of Humans interested mainly in the torture and castration of Canines, among other animals. They use “injections”—pointy tools—to put small doses of poison into animals’ body. They’ve tricked Humans into subjecting themselves to the same treatment, only by “The Doctor,” a branch of The Vet I can only assume. I’ve tried numerous times to bring this conspiracy to light, but of course I’m against a large, corrupt bureaucracy whose sole purpose to obscure the truth.

To help Beretta out of his trance, I put my head on his stifle, and lick his forepaw. He looks down at me, still looking a bit post-nap, but he smiles and rubs my head. Now before you even accuse me of ulterior motives, I have a very unselfish reason for…

Damn, he’s good.

But my mission’s accomplished as Bellatrix, too, begins to rub my head. She’s not near as good. She rubs too hard and has long claws (like a Cat), but it’s a worthy sacrifice as they start to smile at each other. It’s one of those things that Humans do instead of sniffing each others’ rumps. How they learn each others’ musks with such weak olfaction eludes me. I chance a look at Herakles, who while being very unperceptive in his own courting life, is none too slow about others’ mutual attraction. He glances away, trying to hide his sorrow. Miss E.J., who suffers from the same malady, puts her paw on his stifle, and whispers, “You know, Bart hasn’t made a lewd comment to me since we arrived. I think it’s a good thing he’s surrounded by so many pretty girls.”

Herakles laughs, leans over, and replies, “I don’t think it’s a good thing for Ollie, though. Dinah looks like she wants to filet him alive.” He even puts his own paw on top of Miss E.J.’s. I’d say that’s Mission Accomplished.

The two of them are right and I feel bad for Reynard. He’s tried all night to look in a safe direction. Unfortunately, apparently all of the Amazons here are extremely attractive, so he’s taken a very powerful interest in Sue-Joad, Bellatrix’s mother and the Alpha Female. I guess she’s the safest one to talk to around one’s mate. I bet Madonna is glad that Sue-Joad isn’t the type of bitch it’d be appropriate for me to name Missus Robinson, if you catch my drift.

The fire’s warm, so I figure it’s about time to drift off to Beretta petting my head…

* * *

The Amazons are going to have a big dog fight to decide which of them will be taking Beretta back home. The way none of them want to leave, it’s almost as if the pack of them is afraid that there’s an electric fence surrounding the island.

I was there, moseying around, when Sue-Joad and I caught Bellatrix looking at what appeared to be a swimsuit much like the type Miss E.J. wears. Apparently that meant Bellatrix was thinking about being the one to take Beretta back, which I guess is partially my fault. I’m a meddler. Sue-Joad didn’t seem happy about her intentions. I wanted to voice my opinion that sometimes puppies have to leave the litter, but as previously established, the Amazons don’t speak Dog.

Anyhow, Reynard isn’t letting us stay to watch the fight. We’ve got some important mission to go on. The way he talks about it, you’d think he found a plot to rid the world of cats. Look, I have nothing against kittens, who I find to be cuddly and affable, but they somehow grow up to be demonic.

So, after picking a particularly good tree to mark as my own, I relieve myself on it and return to the Moving House, where my Yummy Ball is waiting.

* * *

Lex Luthor stormed into the laboratories two stories below the LexCorp building. “What the hell happened to my $3 billion prototype?”

One brave researcher came to him. “At around 1500 hours yesterday, it was struck in midair by a Boeing F-15E above the Aegean Sea. It was only 230 miles from the rendezvous point in Istanbul.”

“Then why aren’t we out chasing it?”

“Sir, the drone did what it was supposed to. The outer coating polymer warped direct light, making it visually undetectable. Its shape and electromagnetic aura made it undetectable by radar. And we even used an ultrahigh frequency tracker to mask it from all conventional aeronautical scanners. Unfortunately the scanner appears to have been destroyed in the crash. The drone’s practically unlocatable!”

Lex, clearly unhappy, grabbed a computer printout. “It says here that the tracking device didn’t go offline until two minutes after the jet’s engines malfunctioned.”

Another scientist came up wearing an audio headset. “Sir, we’re tapped into the US Army radio frequency. It appears that the F-15 the drone collided with is experiencing similar malfunctions: engine fairly following much later by transmission malfunction. It think wherever they landed might be distorting the signal.”

“They landed over water. What could cause transmission silence in the water?” Lex inquired, his anger dissipating as his curiosity grew.

“The Bermuda Triangle experiences such an effect. But that’s caused by the high radio traffic from Miami as well as the Gulf Stream. The Aegean Sea has neither the underwater current nor the high-volume radio traffic to cause such an effect. Frankly, sir, it’s like it’s magic.”

Until the last comment, Lex stared passively. “It’s not magic,” he seethed, “there’s something there. Get my jet back. The experiment was a success. Once we remove the tracking device, we’ve got ourselves a disappearing jet.”

With this, he promptly exited the lab to meet with his private tailor. He had an important mission to go on.


CW Online Interview with Madeleine Sullivan of the Vancouver Sun.

Madeleine Sullivan: Well, today we have with us Christopher VanDrey, the creator of League of Justice, and some of his crew. Filming just wrapped up today on the episode “Canine” which he wrote and directed. Now as I understand it, this particular episode features Clark’s dog, Shelby, as the main character.

Christopher VanDrey: Yes, Bud the Dog racked up a lot of screen time.

MS: How was he to work with?

CV: Bud? Oh, he’s very good. Bonnie Judd, his “assistant,” as she likes to call herself, was very nice. The woman is a born dog whisperer, I swear. Smarter than some agents I’ve had to work with.

MS: Now, does the camera just follow around Shelby?

CV: It’s more told from his point of view. We also have… Alexis will have to help me with names… but we have a Superman voice actor that voice Shelby in this episode.

Alexis Rogers: George Newbern. He voices Superman on Justice League. George actually gave Shelby a rather authoritative voice.

MS: What does Shelby have to say?

CV: The idea in this episode is that Shelby thinks he’s a nature documentary host, narrating his life and observations for an unseen audience. The joke is that Shelby is actually a lot more intelligent than we would usually give a dog credit for, though he’s not quite as smart as he thinks he is, which is where some humor comes from.

MS: Now as I understand it, we meet Wonder Woman in this episode.

CV: As a disclaimer, at no point in the episode is the name “Wonder Woman” spoken. Because of two film projects in limbo with DC, we’re not technically allowed to have that character, but we do have Princess Diana of Themyscira[, which is Wonder Woman’s alter ego]. The episode is an amalgamation of most of Wonder Woman’s origin stories, with my ideas inserted into the mix.

MS: Now, there’s been a lot of speculation about who you cast as Wonder Woman. Or, Diana, should I say?

CV: Yes, we kept that information secret. But, now there’s no problem with letting it out. I’ll post it on my blog, since the episode won’t be shown for… who knows… we don’t have a definite time slot, and it’s whenever the CW decides to throw us in.

MS: The writer’s guild recently began striking. Perhaps soon?

CV: We have not done any editing or visual effects, but in TV production time, yes, maybe very soon. Anyway, I’m going to hand the mic to my casting director Alexis, who will fill you in on our Diana casting.

AR: It was actually quite a race. We knew we had to get a big name for her. In fact, when word got out that DC had allowed us the use of the character, we had… seventeen?

CV: Seventeen’s what I recall.

AR: …seventeen actresses we considered. I think nine came to try out.

CV: Which is a lot for us.

AR: Anyway, we had to say know to some of the shorter actresses.

CV: All the clever camerawork in the world couldn’t disguise their height. Wonder Woman needs to be tall. So, moment of truth…

AR: We finally decided on Firefly alum Morena Baccarin.

MS: And how was she?

CV: Oh, wonderful. A joy to work with. Everyone I’ve worked with who worked with Joss Whedon is just phenomenal.

MS: And she passed the height bar, so to speak?

CV: She was five-seven, five-eight, which was good enough to work with. I’ll have my new costume designer, Kate speak. But, before I do, I’d like to introduce her. Now, Ashley here, bless her heart, was doing the job of both costume designer and makeup artist.

Ashley Small: More like costume assembler. I’m not too talented with actually making clothes

CV: For this show, we really needed a lot of custom costumes. And Ashley needed to be less overworked, so we hired Kate DuBois here. Anyway, she’s great. Talk about the Amazon costumes.

Kate Dubois: I thought you’d never give me the mic. So, anyway, first day on the job, Chris tells me he needs ten Ancient Greek toga costumes for these stunt models he’s hired. Anyway, I go straight to work, show him some ideas he has. He of course picks the most difficult one. He also mentions that his Diana character needed special boots to make her taller.

MS: No small order?

Kate Dubois: No, but doable. So, he brings me Morena, and I drag her to a few a thrift stores and consignment shops and a costume shop. Anyway, we eventually find this gorgeous pair of red sandal-heels with straps going up most of the leg that almost fit her. Anyway, on top of the three inch heels, I added at least another two inches in padding. I did some pretty nasty surgery on those shoes so that they’d still fit Morena. I can only imagine that the soles were comfortable but along the top of her foot, I can’t imagine how much those things hurt.

CV: Though Morena’s a trooper. We had her running and kicking and jumping in those things. And that wasn’t even level ground. We went out to the lake to film the big action sequence. I was surprised she was even able to stand up.

MS: And she did her own stunts?

CV: Of course not. Our actors do pride themselves on do as many of their own stunts as they can. Even Mercedes does many of her stunts in her heels. But in this case, we did let Morena’s stunt double do a lot of her action work.

MS: How did Morena win the part against the other eight?

CV: Well, one, she’s drop dead gorgeous.

AR: That goes without saying. They all were. But what I think was really pushed Morena over the top was that she did her audition in a Brazilian accent.

CV: Mythologically speaking, the Amazons were Brazilian. However, the Amazons of Themyscira aren’t quite. They’re the reincarnated souls of women of all races and nationalities. And geographically speaking, Themyscira is actually in the vicinity of Lesvos, Greece, not Brazil.

AR: But we figured a Brazilian accent was about as foreign to American viewers as a Greek one, so we let that slide.

CV: There were also two other walk-in tryouts who thought they were auditioning to play the other Princess Diana [Princess of Wales].

AR: Oh, I remember that. These women had the haircut for it and everything.

MS: How do you think the fans will like this Wonder Woman story?

CV: Well, they need to realize that League o’ Justice was never meant to be a faithful adaption. We’re looking for humor. I do hope that we do earn a little appreciation for our research. We’ve included a number of canon Wonder Woman characters. We have Hippolyta [Wonder Woman’s mother]…

AR: …played by Debra Winger. Who some older fans may recognize as Wonder Girl from the Wonder Woman TV show.

MS: Will Lynda Carter [who played Wonder Woman in the 1970s TV show] be in the episode?

CV: It’s almost criminal not to have Lynda Carter play the part of Wonder Woman’s mother, but Lynda Carter is already part of the Smallville mythology as Chloe’s mother, Moira Sullivan. And it’s one thing for Chloe not to recognize the fact that her ex-boyfriend is the twin brother [, Jimmy Olsen, played by Aaron Ashmore] of the kid who stole Clark’s powers in high school [, Eric Summers, played by his twin brother and X-Men actor Shawn Ashmore]. It’s quite another for the Queen of the Amazons to be her mother’s identical twin. Trust me, if there were a way to finagle a part for Lynda Carter in this episode, we would have done it. The best we could do was having Lynda Carter’s picture be on Chloe’s computer desk. That was our Wonder Woman tribute.

AR: Plus, Debra was stellar in the role.

CV: Oh, absolutely. Still lovely and very talented. She had such a presence her in her scenes. Okay, we also had Steve Trevor.

AR: He was played by Simon Baker.

CV: We actually didn’t have him do much in this episode, but since he’s important character, we may bring him back. We had Artemis, didn’t we?

AR: Played by Mutant X alum Lauren Lee Smith.

CV: Yes. We had promised Lauren a multi-episode part in Archangel Investigations during the second season. Unfortunately we were cancelled, so we really owed her.

AR: We didn’t technically owe her anything, but she was a stellar actress that we wanted. Plus, Chris is obsessed with having the entire Mutant X cast play parts for him.

CV: No, really, I have this checklist. I’m going to get all five leads. After that, my next goal is the entire Firefly cast.

MS: Really, how far are you?

CV: Victor Webster played the part of Groo on the show. We just worked with Lauren. John Shea was scheduled to play Lex’s doctor on Archangel, but that never filmed either. Michael Rosenbaum had forbidden us from brining in Victoria Pratt unless he’s there. And Forbes March has said he’d be happy to play something for us. Alexis, you’ll have to remind me, but we cast some others?

AR: Well, for the Amazon “Mala,” we hired Rachel Nichols, who had a recurring part on Alias.

CV: She was the one who was like… (puts his hand above his head to indicate height)

AR: Yeah, the tall one. For the role of the Amazon Nu’Bia, we had Bianca Lawson, who Chris was quick to note played Kendra on Buffy, the Vampire Slayer.

CV: I watch a lot of TV.

AR: And finally, for the role of the Amazon Sofia, we gave it to Taylor Cole. Taylor actually came in to try out for Wonder Woman. She was very good but she didn’t really click with Tom [Welling].

CV: She was actually one of our favorites, so we couldn’t let her get away without offering her this part. If we were to do more Amazon stories, we thought she’d be great to have with us.

MS: I heard you recast a role from the pilot.

CV: We did. In “Nanny,” the role of Dinah Lance/Black Canary was played by Molly Stanton. For that episode, she was great. Amazing chemistry with Justin Hartley. However, a number of things contributed to Molly leaving the show. The audience did not respond well to her character. They felt she was too bubbly for the role of Black Canary. Then, during shooting of the beach fight scene, she came up to me and told me that she wasn’t aware that the role was going to be this physical. We came to the mutual decision that she should leave the show. There were no hard feelings. We let her know that we would keep her in mind for future roles. And we did a quick recast. One day of auditions. We cast Mercedes McNab, who played Harmony from Buffy and Angel, as our new Dinah. She found out before 5 PM the day she tried out that she’d gotten the part, and she was there the next day for shooting. She has good chemistry with Justin. She also put an edge on the bubbliness of our Dinah, which I think the fans with react better, too. And she was 100% dedicated to “kickin’ butt.” We’re even going to reshoot Dinah’s scenes in “Nanny” with Mercedes. Should we ever produce a DVD, we’ll put Molly’s scenes in the Extra Features.

MS: I thought you hated recasting parts.

CV: I do. I’m a big stickler for continuity. But sometimes it needs to happen, like with Bruce Wayne.

MS: You recast Bruce Wayne?

CV: Bruce is the second-hardest character to cast. In Archangel Investigations, we had Henry Cavill play a nice, youthful Bruce Wayne. But when I wrote “Nanny,” I had a much different Bruce in mind, without the nice, gritty gravitas that Henry brought to the role.

AR: Turns out he was unavailable.

CV: He’s on The Tudors. Very hard schedule to work around. Anyway, in the original pilot, we had Kristoffer Polaha play Bruce Wayne. We used Kris before as more of a stand-in for Bruce during Archangel. Kind of thirty-second behind the back scene. Well, he’s was the only one available. He did a nice job, but…

AR: Didn’t fit in.

CV: In his defense, we paired him with Firefly’s Ron Glass, playing Lucius Fox. Ron just stole every scene he was in. Kris told us himself he didn’t want to play Bruce again. He did have the right color for this kind of show. When we originally film “Nanny,” it was thrown together with some leftover budget. Now that we have time, we’re going back and getting it right.

AR: So we tried out a lot of people.

CV: Good people. Lots that worked with Whedon. They always mesh really well with my stuff.

AR: We even had Nicholas Brendon try out.

CV: I wanted to hire him on the spot, but he kept skewing to a more passive, more mature Bruce Wayne. And when he tried it young, he gave us Xander [Harris, Brendon’s part on Buffy, the Vampire Slayer]. I don’t hide my emotions well.

AR: He comments to Chris, “I’m not getting it, am I?”

CV: So, I’m standing there, trying to tell Nicholas Brendon he’s not good enough to work with me.

AR: He’s very polite. Says, “Call me when you get a part that’s more up my alley.”

CV: (with enthusiasm) We’re going to. So, anyway, we tried out a lot of big names. All guys I’d love to give the part to. They did a scene with Allison [Mack]. All were great. We couldn’t decide. They do a scene with Tom. And none of them worked. They just couldn’t muster any presence playing against Tom. So, we thank them all. We were gonna give up and just pick one, when we this phone call.

AR: Zachary Quinto, who plays Sylar on Heroes, calls us, and says he’s got some free time, his part is being scales back for this season, can he come and try out for Bruce Wayne, for fun?

CV: I’ve only seen Zach play Sylar, so I can’t imagine him as a hero, but I’d love to see him try. So, he comes in about 7:30. Tom and Allison, bless their hearts, stayed around. Zach comes in, he’s got Kristen Bell with him. I’ve been to NBC studios before; they’re attached at the hip. Alli nearly flips out, wondering if she’s getting recast, too. That girl forgets that I love her.

AS: It’s creepy.

CV: It’s silly. Anyone, Zach does the scene with Allison. He’s smooth. We like him. We’re not completely won over, but he’s definitely in the running. He can play a good guy. He can do charisma. Then he does the scene with Tom. And we realize what everyone else was doing wrong. They let Tom take control of the space. Zach was a rock. If Tom tilted forward, he didn’t back up. He just had this smoothness. He could keep himself balanced with Tom. It’s not any Bruce Wayne we’ve seen before, but it’s a Bruce Wayne that not a pushover.

MS: Well, I think that’s about it. Anything else you’d like to add?

CV: Yeah, keep watching the CW so you’ll know with “Canine” comes on. The CW Promotional chimps tell me that they like to advertise our show during Supernatural.

^_^ - Oh, Chloe, my dear, don’t beat yourself up. You’re just as pretty as those overgrown Amazons. And that pygmy Kristen Bell is no match for you.

Director’s Commentary: I would like to note that the statements by Sonriso are not my own. He is merely a tactless stress ball who feels the need to make comments during my interviews. Morena Baccarin and all the lovely actresses who played Amazons in this episode were spectacular. I am also a huge fan of Kristen Bell and feel no need to compare her to the equally beautiful and talented Allison Mack.

Created Wednesday, March 28, 2007. Finished Monday, January 21, 2008.

Friday, January 18, 2008

The New Smallville Chronicles

Where the Docs are Looniers than the Inmates

The Dukes of Smallville
Jimmigan's Island
Cheap Gin
Clark & Lana: The New Adventures
Smallvillian Idol
Clark Potter
Somebody Saved by the Bell
New Episode coming soon...

Director's Commentary: Before Smallville decided are their current direction for the seventh season, our favorite producers Al and Miles had a number of brainstorming sessions with the cast about different ideas about how to reinvigorate the show. These are those sessions.

League o' Justice

Opening Credits
Episode 1: Nanny
Episode 2: Canine
Episode 3: Infultrate coming soon...

Directory's Commentary: This is a series I started after the cancellation of Archangel Investigations. The first episode was "leaked" onto YouTube, and further episode will be aired when the CW decides they need some extra content.

Which they will very soon, as you know.

This series will be much less serious than its predecessor. I hope you enjoy it.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Archangel Investigations: Opening Credits

Director's Commentary: The music to this song was written and produced by the incredibly talented Scott VanDrey. And I'm not just saying that because he's my brother. I'm saying that because he agreed to write the song in exchange for a case of beer and my taking him to a Mexican restaurant where he only ordered two plates of cheese quesadillas and a margarita. And money from DVD rights. He's not stupid.

The visual effects were done by Warder Visual Productions. And just so you don't accuse me of nepotism again, I'll have you know that if I didn't happen to belong to the same fraternity as the president, then my choosing them would have been completely unbiased. They also work for a fraction of the price as more established companies, like Lait d'Canard Productions.

Executive Producer: Christopher VanDrey
Writing Team: Christopher VanDrey, Emmanuelle Carcassi, Ellen Franklin, Danielle Xockley
Casting Director: Alexis Rogers
Costume and Make-up Artist: Ashley Small
Created for Television by Christopher VanDrey

Extraordinary Heart: Epilogue

The Heirs of Sonriso I was not released until a year and a half after its expected release date. The second anthology, World Back Together, was the next book published by Diana Owler. The last third of the book was a novella. It featured four characters, two men and two women, all very different from one another, who quit their jobs and live extraordinarily passionate lives, finding their destinies at the same place: an all-night diner. While the critics didn’t know what to make of any of the anthology, the public embraced it. No one could say why they enjoyed it. The novella in particular was extremely dramatic, but most people couldn’t but feel it was hilarious. It was just so perplexing. Sales of the book were steady for years. People kept buying the book. Many of the buyers had already bought the book, but had given it to a friend and were buying themselves a replacement. Diana received letters from some women who had bought third and forth copies. One woman said she purchased twenty copies of the book, and all but one was given away in the next three months. Men, for the most part, as the demographic reports showed, didn’t buy the book, but they read their wives’ and girlfriend’s copies. And they received their fair share of the anthology as gifts.

It made the Bestseller’s List, but Diana was stayed completely ignorant of the rating.

* * *

Diana searches through the mail, avoiding the work needed to be done on her recently started third anthology. She finds an ornate letter and is surprised by the return address: Christopher’s. No, she thinks, he would never not tell me if…

Inside, she finds a smaller envelope with “Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Henderson, Gloria and Andrew,” embroidered on it along with a sheet of tissue paper. She opens to find a wedding invitation. “Nuh-uh,” she yells, “not without telling me first they wouldn’t!” She reads the invitation carefully and laughs. The wording matches a wedding invitation exactly, but, in reality, it’s an invitation to a very classy, upscale restaurant in Savannah, for the next weekend. Diana laughs, flipping the letter over, she finds, written in Christopher’s longhand: “<wink>”, symbols and all.

Andrew comes toddling into the kitchen, tugging on Diana’s leg. “Sweetie?” she asks.

Holding on leg for support, he looks up, his azure eyes showing the utmost curiosity. Donning a ridiculously thick Southern accent, Diana asks her son, “May I help you?” Andrew looks unamused, almost irritated, still holding up his arms into the air in the common gesture. Diana picks him up, or rather heaves him. “Buddy, as little food as you actually get into your mouth, you’re growing remarkably quickly.” Andrew wiggles, trying to get onto the counter. Diana sets him down and he grabs the electric bill and starts to crumple it in his hand.

“I know that feeling,” Diana tells him. He drops the letter on the ground. He holds his hands up in the classic “All Gone!” fashion. Diana can’t help but giggle. “Listen, Big Guy, I got to go work on my anthology right now, okay?”

“No,” he manages to get out, holding out his arms.

“No? Well, what would you have me do?” she asks, picking up according to his desires. He wiggles his way down. Diana rolls her eyes, thinking, Great, I’m nothing more than an elevator for my son now. But Andrew tenaciously pulls her into his room, and hands her a yellow “K” block, with a looks up at his mother with wide, impatient eyes. “Well, Buddy, what would you like me to do with this? The anthology isn’t going to write itself.”

Andrews takes the block back from her and lays it on top of another, and faces his mother again.

“Baby, I got a deadline.”

Andrew continues to stare at her with his wide eyes, clearly portraying the message, “I have no idea what you just said, but whatever it was, it’s preventing you from playing blocks with me.”

In that moment, Diana could hear every word her son just thought. She smiled, sat down, and built a castle for her son. He knocked it down, and Diana was so inspired by his actions that she told him a story.

A story that would the national bestseller in three years.

AAI: Episode 108: Samaritan Read-Through

Director’s Commentary: So, we had an eleventh hour cancellation by the network. This makes me especially sad because we were defeated by the very group we were pandering to in the upcoming episode. We wanted to do an episode with Christian themes in it, but because of the content, a small minority nixed it. In all fairness, I had it coming.

Anyway, so luckily, we taped a read-through by the cast. I got the idea from the meta-series Castville. But before we start, I need to introduce you to some of my crew.

Ashley is our costume and makeup department. She is a good friend of mine from Georgia that I hired for her outstanding credentials: she’s neither a professional costume designer nor a makeup artist, therefore freeing some of the already meager budget we’re given.

Alexis is our casting department. I’ve found that she can pull truly outstanding actors for the show despite having no connections when she first started out.

“The crack monkeys”: To save on costs, I’m the head writer of the series, but I employ of writer-colleagues, who I’d name personally, except they tend to come and go, so there’s not exactly what you’d call a concrete list. They also aren’t what you would call “professional” or “trained” writers, though they do a stellar job. Just don’t tell the WGA.

Sonriso is my personal assistant. He’s actually a yellow stress ball with a smiley face on it. He’s pretty useless, as you’ll find out.


Creedog: So, here are the scripts.

Allison: These aren’t scripts. They’re outlines.

Creedog: Detailed outlines. With a few scenes written out.

Michael: Yes… but we’re actors. You actually have to write out all the words. And usually gestures and stage movements…

Creedog: Well, I figured since Annette’s finally coming back…

Tom: Wait. You want us to improv? We’re not trained for that! Heck, I was a model before I came to this show!

Creedog: Look, you don’t have to make up your own lines. I’ll feed them to you just before each cut. I just want to try something out.

Sonriso: (a yellow stress ball with a “^_^” printed on him, which Creedog makes talk in a high voice) It’s called procrastinating.

Allison: Chris, can we not make the ball talk? Please. It’s creepy.

Creedog: (incredulously) I don’t have any control of it.

Sam: Okay, let’s take a look at the first scene already.

Creedog: Helen Bryce strolls through stone tunnels. She’s carrying a cardboard box. Enters a chamber which is an abandoned chapel with a big baptismal pool in it.

Michael: This is the religious episode you’ve been hyping, isn’t it?

Creedog: Yeah… so there’s two robed figures. There’s talk about rain filling the basin.

Erica: You’re writing the real lines later, right?

Creedog: Helen says, “Good. I have a present for us.” The two figures squeal.

Sam: Wait, so they’re chicks, right?

Creedog: Yes. One of them says, “Is that how you got that bruise on your neck?” Helen wasn’t aware of it.

Tom: It’s a hickey.

Creedog: Very astute, Mr. Welling. Helen snaps back, “You would know, wouldn’t you?” We see a gibbous moon as Helen comments that it will be full soon. There’s the ritual. We’ll plan it later.

Michael: Have you been doing an inordinate amount of slacking off?

Creedog: Yeah, but there’s a very good reason for it. Next scene is a recap between Lionel and his assistant.

Sam: The hot redhead?

Alexis: Her name’s Christina Hendricks. She was on Firefly.

Kristin: Firefly? Suck-up.

Sonriso: Big suck-up.

Allison: And exactly how did you get Al and Miles to worship you?

Kristin: Honey, that was all genes. (rolls her eyes dejectedly)

Creedog: Next scene, Linda Lake catches Lex doing something naughty.

Michael: (perks up) Ooh, what?

Creedog: We don’t see.

Michael: (scoffs) Because this is a religious episode?

Creedog: Look, I’m not writing Touched By An Angel here. Trust me, you’ll be very excited to see what she saw when we reveal it.

Michael: Patience is not in my nature.

Erica: Anyway, what happens next?

Creedog: Are we killing Linda, Alexis?

Sonriso: She sleeps with the fishes?

Alexis: (flatly) Yeah. She wanted off the show. I wonder if they’re bringing back her reality show.

Allison: (trying to ignore Sonriso) Wouldn’t that be a sign of the apocalypse? Ooh, is there going to be an apocalypse? Like in the finale?

Creedog: (dismissively) Not yet. It should be in cards. Okay, insert random scene about Chloe catching Lana in her room looking for socks.

Kristin: I thought Tina Greer died.

Creedog: It’s Isobel. Didn’t you watch the last episode?

Kristin: That would explain why you had me on wires. Why can’t we bring Tina back?

Allison: Death is kind of permanent.

Tom: Clark came back.

Michael: Lex kinda did.

Kristin: Lana did. And I swear she’d doing it again on Smallville.

Alexis: Plus, Lizzy Caplan has her own show now.

Michael: I thought it got cancelled.

Alexis: Yeah, you’re right.

Creedog: NO!!!

Sonriso: NO!!!

Creedog: Sorry, I liked that show. Okay, this happens the next day. We cut to Clark and Chloe in bed together.

Allison: In bed, in bed?

Creedog: Yes.

Allison: Oh, yeah, I finally get to hit that! ‘Bout time.

Tom: (rolls his eyes; picks up the script) “I love you.”

Allison: “I love you, too. You seem confused.” What?

Creedog: I’ll explain. Read.

Tom: “It’s just… I kinda wish I had said so before we… uh…” Clark still can’t say “have sex,” huh?

Michael: Not even a nice euphemism? Bump uglies? Do the hanky-panky? The horizontal mambo?

Erica: Okay, Rosenbaum, what’s going on?

Michael: Get jiggy wit it? (dances in his seat)

Creedog: (clears throat)

Tom: One question, if this is supposed to be a religious episode, why are Clark and Chloe engaging in premarital sex?

Creedog: The rest of the scene would have a frank discussion. Start again on page 5.

Tom: “We kinda forgot… um… protection.”

Allison: She smirks. You forgot. I was fully prepared.” She shakes a pill case.

Tom: X-ray vision squint. “There’s only one pill missing.” He grins.

Allison: Chloe grabs her head.

Tom: “The headache excuse only works before.” Go, Clark!

Allison: I hit him with a pillow. “Shut up.” Give him the needle box. One question, you don’t expect me to be naked in this post-coital scene, do you?

Creedog: Didn’t I tell you? We’re moving to Cinemax.

Michael: (à la Quagmire) Oh, yeah. Giggity-giggity-goo.

Allison: Funny. Chris, you promised me after “Treasured.”

Kristin: Geez, you’re worse than me. (everyone looks at her) You know, someone else could have made the comment. (shoves Michael)

Creedog: Ashley, what’s she wearing?

Ashley: (flatly) I have a very nice yellow tank picked out. It’s tight, and it shows your cleavage and midriff.

Allison: This is your dedication to the religious community?

Creedog: This isn’t 7th Heaven, okay? It’s a mature discussion episode.

Allison: With tight, cleavage-bearing tank tops.

Tom: Dare I ask what I’m wearing?

Ashley: Guess.

Tom: I’m guessing I’ve gotta spend a lot of time at the gym this week. The situps alone will kill me. (grabs script again) I look concerned.

Allison: “Don’t tell me you were waiting for marriage, ‘cause you kinda already paid full admission to that show.” Why does Chloe use the strangest metaphors?

Creedog: Don’t look at me. It wasn’t my writers who put that quirk in.

Tom: Next, you’ve got a little note to yourself telling you to finish the scene.

Creedog: Hey, we’ll wing it.

Erica: Lois scene! I save a man on the street. From what?

Creedog: (looks at the script) Damn good question. Funny story, actually, I had this genius idea that would echo back to the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Unfortunately, this was on a Friday night on half-price margarita night. Needless to say, I’ve only got scraps. By film time, I’ll have it reconstructed. I know the victim’s a doctor and it plays into your medical story arc. Do we have an actor yet?

Alexis: Yeah, Aaron Shust wanted the part.

Allison: Who?

Creedog: He’s a Contemporary Christian singer-songwriter.

Kristin: Interesting. How’d this happen?

Creedog: Well, there’s a church service scene coming up later in the episode. We thought it’d be cool if we got some Christian artists to play cameos as the choir.

Ashley: And Aaron Shust happens to be a friend of mine from Georgia, so easy to contact.

Alexis: And because of that, it created a snowball effect, and we’ve got quite a few artists interested. We even managed to nab Steven Curtis Chapman.

Annette: (from the door) I’ve heard of him.

Creedog: Welcome, Annette, you’re just in time.

Annette: For what?

Creedog: I have no idea.

Ashley: Chris was just mentioning how his father-in-law’s going to be on the show.

Creedog: (all heads turn to Chris) She’s being facetious. Long story short, Steven Curtis Chapman is a huge adoption advocate—as am I—and, well, I happened to mention his foundation in Future.

Kristin: You should make that into a movie.

Allison: You don’t appear in that book. Lana’s dead throughout the whole thing. You’re entire part would be being photographed.

Kristin: (sweetly) I know.

Sam: Pete’s the hero of that book. I’m game.

Tom: I haven’t read it.

Allison: You wear the suit. You fly. You make out with me.

Tom: I am not doing that.

Allison: I’m offended.

Tom: I’m married. And it was the other two things. Plus, Alli, we’re making out in this episode. (holds up script)

Creedog: At least somebody remembers why we’re here. Anyway, in the next scene…

Ashley: Finish the story! (smirks)

Creedog: So, anyway, because I raised awareness and donated 25% of the profits to the foundation, I was invited to the Dove Awards. They were giving out plaques to generous donors who gave money to various charities related to the gospel music world.

Ashley: His was presented by Miss Emily Chapman, Steven’s daughter, who was very cute and into Christopher.

Creedog: (annoyed) Moving on…

Alexis: I got her and Shaoey for Pete’s part.

Creedog: (brow furrows and reads the script)

Sam: (taking a cue, skims the script) Hey, where’s my part? Am I in this episode?

Creedog: Yeah, but… it’s not fleshed out.

Sam: You know, pushing Pete to the background is what made me leave the first time.

Creedog: Look, your part was clearly defined for the beginning of the show, and it’s clearly defined for the end of the season, but right now, we’re experimenting with Pete’s role. Lois’s medical arc just took off creatively before Pete. We’re not giving up on Pete, and you’ll want to be around for the second season.

Sam: You’re a smoother talker than I am. (punches Creedog in the shoulder; he winces)

Alexis: (bringing the attention back to her) I, uh, talked with Emily on the phone. We’ve got something hashed out. It’s romantic. (off Chris’s blank look; smiles) I’m kidding, of course. Her and Shaoey will appear and the subplot reflects back to another Bible story.

Allison: Well, I’m glad you’ve got it figured out.

Creedog: I was busy. Alexis needed my connections, and I had to do a lot of script-writing on airplane napkins. So, next scene, Clark’s going to save a minister from a fire meta who looks like a demon.

Michael: Righteous!

Creedog: So… Alexis…?

Alexis: We got Aiden Quinn.

Creedog: Yes!

Erica: And this guy is…?

Alexis: The actor who portrayed the priest on The Book of Daniel.

Michael: That got cancelled after four episodes because of religious controversy. You’re tempting fate, you know that?

Creedog: I like to live on the edge. Anyway, it turns out the fire meta isn’t actually evil. Just terrified of his powers. After superbreathing him, Clark finds a very religious but now disfigured man. Anyway, after putting our meta in a half-full baptismal pool—

Kristin: I love the repeated imagery.

Creedog: Thanks. (looks at the script and reacts with surprise) So, he and Clark have a talk. Jesus allusions. Blah, blah, blah.

Erica: So, you’ve basically written no lines? (to Ashley) How into this chick is he?

Ashley: All I know is when I left the ceremony he was dancing with her and he did not get back to the hotel until like two in the morning.

Sonriso: Ooh!

Creedog: (gives his stress ball a dirty look and turns to Ashley) Give me a break, Ash; it was just an awards ceremony.

Michael: (to Ashley) Why were you there?

Ashley: Chris can’t get a date to save his life, so I agree to be his arm candy whenever he needs it.

Sam: I can’t see why. (looks Ashley up and down)

Ashley: My boyfriend is understanding, but not that understanding.

(Sam scoots back)

Allison: (insinuating) How did you know what time he got back to the hotel?

Ashley: We shared adjacent rooms. And I’m a night owl.

Creedog: Why do these things always get off-track? Later, Clark asks Chloe to go to church with him.

Michael: How peachy. Maybe they’ll get dunked together.

Creedog: “Dunked”? You mean baptized?

Michael: I’m Jewish. Do you know what the Jewish coming-of-age ceremony is called?

Creedog: You mean bar mitzvah? (Michael is silent)

Tom: Shouldn’t Clark already be baptized?

Annette: You never saw the Kents go to church.

Creedog: I’m going to take executive privilege here and say that Clark is baptized. The Kents are Methodists.

Michael: Well, you know what they say about those Methodists. (awkward silence) Yeah, I don’t know.

Creedog: Chloe is going to cheerfully agree.

Allison: Really?

Creedog: Look, she’s not going to have some fall-to-her-knees salvation experience. She’s not scared of the church. She’s just gonna say that it’s been years since she’s been and follow it up with a snarky comment.

Michael: “She makes some kind of snarky comment.” That’s her entire role in a nutshell.

Allison: I’m going to kick your ass, Rosenbaum. Both these shows would go seriously downhill without me.

Erica: It’s not like your presence is keeping them super-buoyant.

Sam: I could say something right now that would get me slapped so hard.

Allison: I have a very dedicated fan base!

Erica: Whoa, Alli, don’t get your panties in a wad.

Sam: I could say something right now that would get me slapped so hard.

Erica: I’m sorry, girl, it was meant to be a comment on the popularity of our shows as a whole.

Creedog: What did you guys have for breakfast? So, we’re moving on to the church scene.

Sam: Immediately?

Creedog: Actually, no, we’re gonna have updates on both Lois and Pete’s storylines. We need to kill some time before Sunday morning.

Sam: A Pete scene to “kill time”?

Creedog: Sam, when I get around to writing your scenes, you’ll be heroic. You’ll be stalwart!

Sam: (pauses) Okay, I’m easy. You won me back. Go on; try to please Erica.

Erica: What?

Sam: Well, you’re being pushed to the sidelines, too. Don’t you care?

Erica: (after a moment of thought) Can I wear a hospital gown?

Creedog: What?

Erica: ‘Cause, you know, I’ve got blood on me after saving the guy, right?

Creedog: …Sure.

Erica: So, I’ve got to change? Well, I’m at the hospital, so all they have for me to put on is a hospital gown, right?

Creedog: That’s a tired 90s sitcom joke. What about scrubs?

Erica: Baby, I don’t look good in scrubs. Plus, if Chloe gets to be naked, so should Lois.

Allison: (harried, to Erica) Chloe’s not going to be naked. (directly, to Creedog) Chloe is not going to be naked.

Sonriso: A travesty in and of itself.

(Allison gives a dirty look at Creedog)

Creedog: (to Allison) Sorry. (to Erica) Fine. The network wants more scantily-clad bimbos anyway.

Erica: Thanks.

Kristin: You’re not going to get mad at him for insinuating that you’re a bimbo?

Erica: Whatever. It makes all the working out worth it. (thinks) Hold it, what’s this guy who playing the doctor gonna look like?

Creedog: Alexis?

Alexis: (holds up a picture of Aaron Shust)

Erica: (with moderate appreciation) That’ll do. So, he can sing, too?

Ashley: (with too much enthusiasm) Yeah. (clears her throat) But my opinion’s biased. Oh, and he’s married.

Erica: Come to think of it, so am I.

Michael: (makes cricket noises)

Creedog: Anyway, we’ll finally get to the church scene. Clark comes in his “Clark Kent” getup.

Kristin: Jeans and flannel shirt?

Allison: You forgot the hideous red jacket.

Tom: Hey, that thing’s comfortable.

Creedog: No, the blue suit and glasses.

Kristin: Careful, we’re slouching toward Metropolis.

(long silence)

Kristin: It’s a literary reference. C’mon!

Allison: I’ve not read it. What’s it about?

Kristin: It’s called Slouching Toward Bethlehem, and I kinda didn’t read it either.

Sonriso: I don’t know what just happened, and I don’t care.

Michael: (to Creedog) You do realize you’re not a ventriloquist?

Creedog: Yeah. (lays the stress ball back on the table)

Annette: Hey, look, Martha! What’s she do?

Creedog: She’s a state senator.

Annette: In Metropolis?

Creedog: Well, no, she work in Wichita, but let’s say she happens to be in town.

Annette: Is she going to do anything?

Creedog: Not yet. But… Sonriso, make a note. Develop a plot line for Martha. (writes it down himself)

Annette: You were itching to get me back!

Creedog: Well, you’re a popular character. Don’t worry; we’ll have you doing important stuff with your senatorial duties. Maybe use Lionel?

Michael: You’ve already got Lionel interacting with Lex in every show. John’ll start getting more screen time than Lana.

Kristin: (sarcastically) Oh, what a tragedy.

Allison: Kristin, you’ve not appeared in the episode so far.

Kristin: I hardly noticed.

Creedog: My mistake. You had a scene with Chloe where she was asking if you could cover for her Sunday morning. It was going to lead into another Isobel-does-crafty-things montage and more Lexana fluff.

Kristin: Can’t I be businessy in this episode?

Creedog: Well, no clients, no businessy Lana.

Kristin: So, unless Archangel Investigations is hired to take out the meta, my role is witch-possessed love interest. I might as well only be on Smallville.

Creedog: Alright, let’s say there’re more cockroaches. If we need filler, we can have someone go take them out.

Kristin: This is nothing but appeasement. Lana’s supposed to being going kick-ass! Lana fu!

Creedog: Alright, we’ll start adding scenes where Lex trains Lana in weaponry in preparation of her doing field work.

Kristin: I can see this leading to sword innuendos.

Creedog: Of course it will. You’re hard to please. Anyway, back to wherever the heck we were. Minister gives sermon on Clark saving the church, more Jesus analogies, ties it to being Christ-like in our daily lives.

Michael: Isn’t this exactly what he did on The Book of Daniel?

Creedog: Ruffling feathers. So he also mentions there’s going to be a construction workday afterwards and he hopes people will come back to help rebuild the back of the sanctuary. Afterwards, while Clark and Chloe are going through the line, it’s obvious the minister recognizes him.

Sam: You gonna name this guy?

Creedog: I’ll do some research to find some peer of Daniel Webster.

Allison: You have no shame. (looks at the script) Clark and Chloe talk afterwards?

Creedog: Chloe comments on the Jesus parallels.

Michael: You’re really milking this.

Creedog: It’s gonna be in all three plots.

Tom: Hey, lines! “Do you believe in God?”

Allison: “I don’t see why I shouldn’t. I’ve believed in stranger things than an all-mighty, all-powerful, omnipresent being. At least this one… ‘insert Jor-El reference here’?”

Creedog: Ooh, gotta work on that.

Tom: “And Jesus?”

Allison: “You rose from the dead, too.”

Tom: Clark looks humble.

Allison: “Don’t shy away. I mean, we’re talking about a guy with supernatural powers. He lives his life for others, protecting the weak and the sick. A friend to all. A man who works for peace but isn’t afraid to fight. Who sacrifices himself.”

Tom: “You’re not calling me the Messiah, are you?”

Allison: “Nah. Don’t really want the Mary Magdalene stigma. Falsely accused of being a prostitute.”

Tom: “You’ve been reading The Da Vinci Code again, haven’t you?”

Allison: “It’s a good book!” Now we’re going to mention The Da Vinci Code? You’re insane.

Sonriso: He’s got a talking stress ball. This surprises you?

Creedog: Later, Clark’s going to come by to help with the reconstruction. He’s going to get some coffee with Rev. Webster. They’ll be a discussion about religiosity, aliens, premarital sex, and salvation. The minister makes a comment about a superhuman man with carpentry skills. He makes the joke that he hopes Clark isn’t the Messiah, because if he has a girlfriend, it puts all those Gnostics in the right.

Michael: You’re kinda repeating all your jokes.

Creedog: (meekly) I know. We’re going to resolve the Lois storyline and Pete storyline.

Erica: Lois get to hook up with the guy?

Creedog: No.

Erica: Come on.

Creedog: Not gonna happen. Lois is getting a boyfriend at the end of this season. If it makes you feel better, I’ll arbitrarily add eye candy to your future plots.

Erica: I like appeasement. (Kristin rolls her eyes)

Sam: Is Pete going to get the girl?

Alexis: With who’ve we’re now got cast?

Ashley: (sing-song) Like Chris’ll go for that.

Creedog: You guys are terrible.

Sam: Pete’s gotta do something!

Annette: (blandly) And Martha.

Creedog: (pauses, and then looks pensively back and forth from Martha to Sam; suddenly leaps out of his chair) THAT’S IT!

Allison: Someone slip something into his espresso this morning?

Ashley: (matter-of-factly) He doesn’t drink coffee.

Creedog: (talking quickly) Sam, we’ve got Pete’s law-police storyline. The crack monkeys and I have been racking our brains for months trying to figure out how to introduce the storyline and give it credence. We wanted him to act as the liaison between Archangel I and the police, but since we made some of the police corrupt, we’d painted ourselves into a corner. We’re going to have Pete and Martha team up. Martha’s status will give Pete the leeway to strong-arm the cops. It solves everything! Martha gets to play an active albeit background role in protecting Clark and the gang. Pete has a strong role outside his AAI duties and it echoes his role from the comics. (punches the air)

Sam: Okay, not exactly going to get on board with that kind of excitement, but I like it. (grins, then frowns) But I want eye candy, too.

Annette: (scoffs with offence)

Sam: Oh, Annette, you are a hot babe of highest magnitude, but Pete Ross and Martha Kent? That’s even creepier than Mionel.

Annette: I happen to find John Glover very… charismatic.

Creedog: Alexis?

Alexis: Oh, we’ll give Martha a hot secretary.

Creedog: It can be a Peter Parker/Betty Grant relationship.

Sam: What’s that mean?

Creedog: It means you get to flirt with her a lot. She’ll be uninterested at first, but you’ll wear her down.

Sam: That’s what I’m talking about. Who’s gonna play her?

Creedog: We just created her.

Alexis: Pretty actresses are a dime a dozen. I’ll make you a lineup.

Sam: You gonna bring them here? (can’t suppress a grin)

Alexis: A lineup of head shots. We’ll bring your favorite down.

Pete: (jumps up and walks behind Alexis) Can I see now?

Alexis: Give me a second. (opens up a notebook and flips through pages)

Lana: This has been bugging me. Clark and Chloe know about Lex and Lana, right?

Creedog: Yeah.

Lana: Why are they saying anything?

Creedog: We’re still not sure how for it to come out. Plus, Ostroff’s been on my back about the lack of “secrets and lies” on our show.

Michael: That’s Al and Miles’s territory. I say let them have it.

Kristin: Amen.

Creedog: How poetic.

Sam: (to Alexis) What about her?

Alexis: Taylor Cole? It’s a good pick.

Sam: What’s this note mean? “Diana”?

Alexis: It means she’s one of about a dozen actresses we’re considering for the part of Diana Prince, should she ever appear on the show. It also means she’s probably pretty tall.

Sam: (deflates) Thanks for the heads up. Ooh, who this filly?

Alexis: Alycia Purrott. Canadian actress. Easy to get over here. And… look at the height. (points at the page)

Sam: I’ll look normal-sized!

Creedog: (who’s shorter than Sam) You are normal sized!

Alexis: (shows Creedog the picture) What do you think?

Creedog: I think we have a winner. If she’s short, why didn’t her name come up in our Maddanei search?

Alexis: ‘Cause I’m a bad casting director.

Allison: Was Maddanei…?

Ashley: The character based on me? Yeah.

Alexis: Why don’t I get a character based on me?

Creedog: Find an attress to play yourself and we’ll develop a part for her.

(Alexis starts to peruse her book)

Creedog: Let’s recap. Everyone’s got a part.

Tom: Yeah.

Allison: Mm-hmm.

Sam: Yep.

Erica: Theoretically.

Kristin: Kind of.

Michael: Ditto that.

Creedog: We’ve got Isobel development. And some Lexana. Lex will have his obligatory one or two scenes with Lionel.

Martha: Um…

Creedog: I’ll write you a very nice scene with Sam where Pete and Martha start their business relationship. There’ll be a generous lead-in where Martha fights for some noble cause with the legislators.

Martha: Yawn.

Creedog: I’ve gotta appease you, too, huh? What if you’re defending of said noble cause involves some nice sharp-tongued verbal wordplay with your opponents?

Martha: Male opponents? (giggles evilly) That’ll do.

Creedog: Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m behind on my plot.

Sonriso: It’s a wrap.

(Creedog leaves)

Kristin: Seriously, what’s with the ball?

Ashley: I don’t try to understand Christopher.

Alexis: Me neither.

Allison: So, this Emily…?

Ashley: I’ll tell you all about here. Don’t tell Chris this ‘cause he’ll never get another script done, but I know a great place for cheap margaritas…


Director’s Commentary: So, we’ve hit the end of the road. It’s kind of strange including my director’s commentary when you’ve basically sat through some director’s commentary, but whatever.

I’d like to thank Jeremy Camp, Steven Curtis Chapman, Emily Chapman, Shaoey Chapman, Aaron Shust, and Aiden Quinn for agreeing to appear in this episode, and sorry that it never got made. Also thanks to all the artists who had an interest in appearing. Mark Schultz, I am greatly disappointed you didn’t come and play our choir director.

And, Emily, I had a great time at the Dove Awards. By the way, next time you’re in the Pacific Northwest, give me a call. Ashley knows this great Mexican place that she refuses to tell me about until I can get a fourth for a double date.

Before the cancellation, the cast, crew, and I got together to map out the rest of the season, as the WGA got on my case for using a non-guild-approved writing system. It’ll be out soon.

^_^ - Really, if Creedog had let me run the show, we’d’ve gone twenty season. But, alas, The Chloe is Hot Show, Guest Starring Clark Kent and Lana Whats-her-name wasn’t the direction the CW was looking to go.

Season 1 Planning Session coming soon…

©2007 Godeerc VanDrey Enterprises, Inc. Created Monday, May, 14, 2007. Finished Friday, December 28, 2007.