Friday, November 16, 2007

NSVC: Clark Potter and the Deus Ex Machina

(Alfred Gough and Miles Millar enter the reading room, where the cast is patiently waiting)

AG: (announces) Harry Potter.

TW: It’s not even a TV show.

MM: J.K. Rowling is richer than the Queen!

AM: Humor me. How are you going to mesh these mythologies?

AG: Pictures this: “Metropolis University for the Metahuman.”

ED: (breaks out laughing) Sorry, I shouldn’t have pictured it. It’s really a cool idea, I swear.

AM: I do have to give you props on knowing the word “metahuman.”

AG: So, every week…

TW: Oh, dear lord, you’re bringing back Freaks of the Week, aren’t you?

AA: Clark’s going to be kicking the asses of his schoolmates again, isn’t he?

MM: People liked it.

TW: So, I’m guessing I’m the Harry Potter character.

AM: Let’s see… unruly black hair, symbolic scar, huge crush on a Chinese girl…

KK: I am half­-Chinese

AM: Kristin, we’ve been working together for six years. I know your ethnicity. Look, if Michael can tease me about being German-born, I think you can forgive me for diluting your race for a moment to make a point.

MR: (raises arm) Heil Mack!

AM: And because he’s Jewish, I can’t actually respond.

(KK smiles sympathetically)

AoT: Harry’s parents are dead? Does that mean I’m off the show? (checks her watch)

AG: Well, good point. Actually, aren’t only Harry’s biological parents dead?

AoT: So, what? I’m Aunt Petunia?

MM: Perhaps our Aunt Petunia won’t be a total bitch. And hot.

AoT: Eh, whatever pays the bills.

AM: I’m the Hermione parallel, aren’t I?

AG: We thought it most appropriate.

ED: Hopefully, they’ll style your hair better than hers.

AM: Or better than they have been.

MR: Hermione doesn’t have bad hair. Have you seen Emma Watson lately? She’s a babe in the making.

KK: Rosenbaum, she’s like half your age, you dirty old man.

MR: (pauses to do the math) Oh, dear god, she’s right! (grabs TW’s lapels) Tom, we’re so old! We’re going to die alone!

TW: I’ve been married for five years.

MR: What? To who?

AM: “Whom.”

MR: (says something in mock German)

(AM rolls her eyes)

TW: Her name’s Jamie. Remember that woman I keep bringing here?
MR: And to the Christmas parties? Dude, she’s really hot. (with interest) You two doing okay?

TW: Mike!

MR: I’m kidding, I’m kidding. (seriously) Does she have a sister?

(TW rolls his eyes)

AM: (surveying the two with amusement) Anyway, who’s your Ron? Ideally, we’d be using Pete.

MR: Ideally, we wouldn’t be using Harry Potter for inspiration.

ED: You love Harry Potter. You wanted to camp out for the last book this July. You invited me to come along.

MR: You accepted.

ED: (proudly) I went as Professor Trelawney.

AoT: The resemblance is uncanny.

AG: So, we’re going with the next best thing: Jimmy.

AA: “Next best thing”? Way to inspire confidence in your characters.

MR: Oh, Aaron, we’re all “the next best thing” next to Kristin.

(KK shrugs apologetically)

MR: If Yakko and Wakko over here had their way, the show’d be called “All About Lana.”

AA: Ron’s supposed to be a redhead, isn’t he?

MR: Jimmy’s supposed to be a redhead, too.

KK: And Lana, as Annette so magnificently portrayed.

AoT: Suck-up. Eh, I really don’t care. I’ll talk to Michael and see if he can get you into his next movie.

KK: Thanks.

AM: Annette, I’ll compliment your brains out if I can break out of animation.

AoT: No one likes a brown-noser, Allison.

AM: (to TW) Where am I?

TW: Same place as me.

AA: Wasn’t Pete supposed to be blond?

AG: We sacrificed some canon to appease the diversity people.

AM: Wasn’t Lois supposed to be a brunette?

ED: I am a brunette!

AM: Your hair’s way to light. I might as well be Lois. Kinda am. (smirk) I’m going to the special hell. I’m not really a Chloiser.

AG: She speaks the name of the heathens!

AM: Get over it.

AoT: Wasn’t Martha is supposed to be white-haired?

MM: What? And hire an old woman instead of a former Superman star? We can’t be worrying about our actresses keeling over.

AM: Erica does.

ED: Once! And I seem to recall we were both a little tipsy.

TW: Can we please go on?

MR: So, are we making Lex Voldemort just so I have to keep shaving my head?

AG: Well, we were originally going to make you Malfoy, but that’s a good point.

MR: Malfoy?! C’mon, Lex is so much more badass than that pipsqueak with his idiot lackeys. (pause) The jokes write themselves. No need to say them aloud.

AM: Party pooper.

JG: So, then, who is Lionel?

MM: Well, now since Lex may be Voldemort…

MR: Whoa! Lionel was going to be Voldemort?

JG: You don’t think I could pull Voldemort?

MR: (gulps) John, you could play God. And the Devil. In the same movie. It would be amazing.

JG: (surveys him, then turns his head dramatically) Yes, yes, it would. I like your thinking, Rosenbaum. I’m going to call my agent. (grabs his phone)

AA: (pointing at John) Um…

MM: You try making him hang up.

AA: (shakes his head fearfully)

MR: Who are you going to associate Lionel with then?

AG: Snape.

(the cast nods in understanding)

AM: Not bad. And Snape had a think for Harry’s mom. (looks to Annette)

AoT: (after acknowledging this, catches JG’s attention)

JG: (holding his phone) I agree. Let’s do it, Miss O’Toole.

AA: It gets creepier every time they do that.

TW: Plus with the morally ambiguous direction we’ve taken Lionel in recently, it works even better.

AM: So you did read the books.

TW: Wikipedia. I didn’t want to be on the outside looking in.

ED: (maliciously) Cheater.
MR: (with equal distaste) It’s people like you who gives humanity in general a bad name.

TW: So, we’re going to eliminate Malfoy?

AM: Ooh, idea! (grabs AA’s arm) Eric Summers.

(affirmative remarks)

AA: Look, I love working with my brother, but if we bring him on, we’re gonna have to explain why Malfoy and Ron look similar.

ED: (grinning) That’d be awesome! They’re both purebloods, right?
(the cast agree or pretend to agree)

MR: (catching on) So… it turns out that Malfoy and Ron are related, even though they hate each other.

AA: Shawn would dig that. But then who’s gonna be the flunkies?

AM: We kind of don’t have the cast for it. Aren’t they’re like dozens of characters?

ED: Plus, if Lana is Cho, then who’s Ginny, the chick he really gets with?

AM: Ideally, that’d be you.

ED: But they can’t do that.

MR: We don’t have a Dumbledore.

AM: Oh, you know Pinky and the Brained here don’t like school settings.

AA: Doesn’t that completely derail the entire season?

AG: Yes.

AM: What?

AG: Well, not exactly that. This…

MM: (on the phone) She mentioned us by name? (hangs up) Okay, so we’re not “allowed” to do it.

TW: I didn’t even eat breakfast, ‘cause I knew we’d be out so quickly. So, I’ve got a table for eight reserved at IHOP at 9:30. Who’s coming with?

(everyone except for AG and MM raise their hands, briskly get up and walk out the door)

MM: Well, I ate in advance.

AG: Yeah, me too. I knew we’d be doing important things.

MM: Like deciding what next season’s going to be like?

AG: Exactly. So maybe we can incorporate… mummies into next season. But they’re from China.

MM: Kind of like The Mummy 3 screenplay we just wrote?

AG: Oh, yeah, you were there, weren’t you? Okay, new idea, Clark joins forces with a hero from the opposite side of the world to save Lana from…

MM: Why does this sound like Shanghai Noon?

AG: Um, so there’s this magic car…

MM: You are seriously not bringing up Herbie: Fully Loaded, are you?

AG: But Lindsay Lohan…

MM: Have you seen what’s she’s been up to lately?

AG: You think she thinks she’s too classy for this show?

MM: She’s a star. They can be so uppity.

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