Sunday, January 28, 2007

Future: Chapter 2: Blush

December 31, 2012

“You’re not wearing black,” Lois told her cousin, pulling the full length black gown from the blond woman’s hands and throwing it on the bed of her apartment bedroom. “You a reds person and you know it.” She went to closet and started searching through Chloe’s dresses.

“We’re going to skip over this lovely pink thing,” Lois commented next as she threw a dark pink dress onto the bed. “Isn’t that thing that you went to the Spring Formal with Clark in?” she added.

“Yeah…” Chloe said, finally getting a word in.

“Well, it’s nice, but not for tonight… ooh, this one is intriguing,” she commented on an eclectic lavender dress with bright trim, “but you’re not wearing it either.” It joined the other dresses on the bed. “Ooh, I am loving this,” Lois almost squealed, pulling out a full-length, plum-colored dress with a diagonal strap. “What do you think?”

“It looks great, Lois,” Chloe said, trying to hide her annoyance.

Catching this, she snapped, “Hey, squirt, you asked me to help you out.”

Chloe sighed, and apologized, “Sorry. I think that would be excellent for tonight. Really. I’m just… nervous.”

“Well, I for one am very proud for you for finally having to nerve to move things forward with Clark. He’s been single for ages. Course, who’s gonna approach him when there’s a red-hot sexy blond always at his side?” Lois smiled as she held the dress to Chloe’s body for her own approval. She didn’t notice Chloe’s sarcastic smirk in response to her comment.

“Must you assume it’s about Clark and not, you know, having a book published?”

Quick to reply, Lois asked, “Mustn’t I? Plus, Chloe, you’ve put out other books.”

“Nothing near this prestigious.”

“Chloe, face it; it’s about boy. C’mere.” Lois hugged her cousin. “I know how crazy you are about this mild-mannered reporter.” While holding Chloe’s shoulders, she continued, “I don’t understand it, since you’ve got a hunky superhero stalking you.”

“Hey, he’s saved your life a time or two.”

“Well, next time he pulls a knight in shining armor on me, I’ll bat an eye, okay? Enough about me. Now, we’ve got work to do on you. Can’t disappoint your date.”

“He’s more like an escort.”

Tilting her head, Lois replied, “One, liar. Two, I could tell you stories about what I’ve done with some of my ‘escorts.’ Three, ‘escort’ has many meanings.” Lois wiggled her eyebrows.

“Alright, alright, how ‘bout figure out what we’re gonna do with my hair. I have an appointment at three.”

“That’s my girl.”

* * *

LuthorCorp Mansion
Smallville, Kansas

Lionel Luthor studied his son for several antagonizing moments. “So, let me get this straight, Lex. You drop the senatorial race against my wishes. Then, you emancipate yourself from the family. You try to live the middle class lifestyle with two kids and a minivan, working for LuthorCorp’s competitors. And, now, you come back here, with your tail between your legs, practically falling to your knees, and begging for a job, as if all could be forgiven? What do you want me to say to you, Lex?”

“I want you to tell me what a coward I am, Dad. I want you to tell me ‘I told you so.’ I want you to tell me I don’t deserve to polish your shoes after what I’ve done. I want you to tell me I’ve betrayed you; insert appropriate literary allusion here. I want you to tell me that I made the biggest mistake of my life seven years ago by not following your training. I want you to tell me that you knew all along that great power and abundant wealth is the only way I’ll survive in this world. I want you to tell me that LuthorCorp needs me back.”

Lionel leaned back in his chair, lacing his fingers, “Well, son, I’m afraid you’re wrong on the last count. LuthorCorp is thriving.”

“So that’s why you’ve set up camp in Smallville? C’mon, Dad, you know your true home is the penthouse in Metropolis. Ask any of your neighbors, and they’ll tell you that you have the LuthorCorp helicopter fly in three times a week. My guess is that you can’t stand being in this corn-infested town for more than two days at a time. You’ve probably hired some of the best chefs in the tri-state area to cook foods for you with names that the locals can’t even pronounce.”

“Lex, I’m a very busy man. Do you have a proposition for me, or not?”

Lex strode forward and laid his hands on his father’s desk, saying, “Give me back Smallville, Dad. The only ties that you have here is this castle. I think you’re getting so tired in your old age that you don’t want to go through the trouble of moving the place stone by stone again, even if you do have the money and the gall to do it. Don’t tell me you’d prefer to see the cornfields of rural Kansas to your first-rate cityscape of Metropolis when you look out the window. Clark tells me you gave up on the Kawatche caves years ago. I figure that it did too many things to too many scientists, and you finally figured, ‘Hey, it’s not worth the risk anymore.’”

“Well, Lex, it seems some things never change. You still have an outrageously overactive imagination. And you still haven’t convinced me why I should put you back in charge of the Smallville fertilizer plants.”

“Because, Dad, you know I’m capable, you just don’t want to admit it. Plus, Chloe Sullivan is releasing a book about LuthorCorp on the first of the year. And you’re gonna want my help.”

“I’m very aware of the publishing of Miss Sullivan’s book, Lex. I’ve purchased several copies of it to give to my top executives. We want to correct any mistakes we’ve made in the past.”

“Or cover them up. Besides, Dad, I think you’ll be surprised when you find out how in-depth Chloe’s book is. Rumor has it she had an inside source.”

Lionel’s composure changed. “Lex, why would even admit that to me if you’re trying to get a job at LuthorCorp?”

“Dad, frankly, I’m terrified of the outcome of any locking of horns between you and Chloe Sullivan. Dad, I want to take responsibility for my actions. Allow me to deal with Chloe Sullivan, and give me the resources to do it. And then stay out of it, Dad. I’m not a fan of your tactics.”

Lionel paused briefly, “Lex, I will allow you to manage the Smallville plants on a trial basis. I expect exceptional results. And you had better impress me with your dealings with Miss Sullivan.”

“Dad, I’d say I won’t disappoint you, but let’s face it; we both know you’re very hard to impress.”

“Lex, a man with that trait could rule the world.”

* * *

December 31, 2012
9:00 PM

The walkway outside the Remy-DeGough Reception Hall in Metropolis looked like a small awards show. A decent-sized group of photographers waited behind ropes along a red carpet. The publicity was no surprise given that the Daily Planet was hosting the awards show, and the guest list included Planet Editor-in-Chief Pauline Kahn, Senator Jonathan Kent, Kansas Supreme Court Judge Abigail Ross, and former billionaire Lex Luthor, whose disappearance from the public eye was sorely missed. His presence was especially exciting given that the book to be released was an in-depth analysis of his father’s multibillion dollar company. Metropolis’s superhero in white might even show up, given his relationship with the woman of the hour.

The first limousine pulled up. From inside, Chloe Sullivan looked out the window, dressed in her purple gown and with her makeup professionally done and hair in an elaborate bun. She turned to her escort and friend, saying, “You think I was a celebrity or something, Clark.”

Clark was dressed in a ridiculously expensive, custom-tailored tuxedo; it had been a gift from Lex before his hasty departure from LuthorCorp, and Clark secretly enjoyed wearing it every chance he got. He responded to Chloe, “Hey, it’s not everyday someone digs up dirt on LuthorCorp and lives to tell about it.”

“Don’t even joke about that. Let’s go.” Chloe brushed a stray lock of hair out of her face and exited the car and tried to smile as much as possible as she was bombarded with dozens of cameras flashes.

“Miss Sullivan, is everything in your book true?” a voice called out from the crowd.

“Every word,” she called back, unsure of the exact source of the voice. She briefly started to feel overwhelmed, but it passed as Clark came up and led her forward with his hand on her back.

“Miss Sullivan,” another reporter cried out, “can you tell us anything about this mysterious inside source?”

Chloe gave him a sympathetic smile, “Sorry, I have to protect my sources. But you have my word he’s 100% reliable.”

“Is it true that you have a romantic relationship with the mysterious unnamed superhero in white?”

Chloe and Clark exchanged glances, before Chloe asked him, “What? Who are you?”

“Alex Harris, The Inquisitor.”

Chloe smiled knowingly. The celebrity gossip tabloid. “I’m afraid not. He’s a very private person.”

“And who’s the handsome young man with you tonight, Miss Sullivan?” a disembodied female voice asked.

Chloe replied, showing off Clark a bit, even stooping a tad to emphasize his height, “This is my friend and colleague Clark Kent. He works for the Daily Planet.

Another voice piped up, “Kent, eh? Any relation to Senator Kent?”

Clark smiled, replying, “Uh, yeah, he’s my dad.”

Chloe pulled Clark down to her. “Any chance you could super-speed us in?”

Clark winked, and briskly walked the two of them into the hall, ignoring the protest of questions. He turned himself and Chloe around so that they could flash a smile just in time to see his parents get out of their government vehicle. His mother had learned to wave like a first lady, he noticed.

* * *

9:34 PM

Chloe turned to Clark at the head table, noting the two empty chairs, one with a black bow tied around the back. “You seen Lex?”

Clark replied, “No. Maybe he’s not ready to party just yet.”

Chloe didn’t have a chance to reply, because the emcee was making an announcement and requesting a speech from her, so she gave Clark a quick squeeze on the hand and walked onto the platform. She suddenly felt very small as she stood in front of a large podium on a large stage in front of an enormous screen.

Chloe spoke into the microphone, “They tell me that there’s someone competent working the projector, so hopefully, in a few seconds you’ll see the cover of my book, and it won’t be up-side-down or anything. Or my senior portrait. Or something from my eighteenth birthday party.” She got mild laughter for that (especially from Clark) as the cover art of her book appeared on the screen behind her. The jacket was a deep scarlet red, with the LuthorCorp logo surrounded by descending dollar bills on top of a faint radar screen pattern. The title, in bold goldenrod lettering was The Underground Monopoly: The Tactics that Keep LuthorCorp under the Radar. Wild applause followed.

“Thank you, thank you. The book will be released in…” she looks at her watch, “…seventy-nine minutes, and you’ll be able to judge for yourself. Really, this book has been a huge part of my life for the last year and a half, and I appreciate this magnanimous gesture. Thank you all for attending. But before we get too rowdy, because this is a New Year’s party after all.” She was overpowered by cheering. “Maybe we shouldn’t have opened the champagne so early.” The room roared with laughter. “Please, this is important…” she pleaded. When the crowd quieted down, she continued, “As some of you may have heard, a very dear friend of mine passed away last week.”

With that, the next slide appeared: a beautiful photo of Lana Lang with the words, “Lana Elizabeth Lang-Luthor, Loving Wife, Loving Mother, Loving Friend. 11/12/1986-12/24/2012”

“It’s unfortunate that her husband could not be here tonight, but I think we can all forgive him.” Chloe suddenly covered her face, and found Clark by her side instantly. She pushed him away. She returned to the mic and said, “I’m a magnet for tall, dark men with hero complexes.” There was heavy, uncomfortably laughter that followed.

“I’m not going to lie to you; it hurts to lose a friend. But that being said, Lana was one of the most cheerful people I knew, and it would be a disgrace to her name if we let a little thing like her death ruin our night. I propose, in honor of the life she lived, we fully enjoy ourselves tonight, as she would have most certainly done.” She put on a smile and watched as every person in the room stood up and raised their glasses. She looked for Clark to see he’d brought the two of them their champagne glasses. She wondered if he was using his powers to move so quickly. She took a glass and raised it. A single tear flowed down her cheek, and over her sad smile.

* * *

10:59 PM

The screen behind the platform showed a live feed of the Times Square New Year’s Eve Ball about to drop. Since Metropolis was in Central Time Zone, The Underground Monopoly was being released at 11:00 PM so that cities like New York, Boston, and Gotham would be able to release at midnight. It was for that reason that these Kansans decided to celebrate their New Year’s an hour early.

“Ten… nine… eight…” the crowd recited in unison.

Chloe turned to grab her glass, as did Clark, though neither was able to catch the other’s eye.

“… five... four… three… two… one! Happy New Year!”

Chloe cheered and turned to Clark to wish him a happy new year, only to find him gazing at her. As Clark’s face descended toward hers, her vision tunneled on Clark’s eyes, blurring her surroundings and even the background noise. With nary a second to process this, she smiled briefly before she found herself lip-locked with Clark. She laid her hand on his cheek and allowed him to continue. Her other hand, still holding a champagne glass, came to rest on his hip.

Several seconds later, they both broke the kiss, realizing that both had failed to do so. Oblivious to the outside world, they clinked their glasses together and sipped the champagne. Chloe then happened to notice that the entire table was staring at her and Clark, since they had probably finished any kissing long before she and Clark had. Lois gave her a knowing look as she stood next to the tall, tanned, muscular personal trainer that she brought as her date. His lips were smeared by some of Lois’s lipstick. She also noted that the Kents and her father were giving her amused but approving looks. Pink-faced, she commented to Clark, “I didn’t realize we’d made such a spectacle of ourselves.”

“Sorry,” he meekly apologized.

Chloe’s face dropped, and she grabbed the lapels of his jacket, and told him quite directly, “Clark, do me a favor… and never apologize ever again about kissing me.” She followed it up with a stern expression. Refusing to break eye contact and gaze burning into his eyes, she whispered, “Ever again, okay?”

He gave her a small, knowing smile, and nodded, “Okay.” It took every last ounce of his willpower to prevent his heat vision from activating.

* * *

January 1, 2013
1:13 PM

Chloe opened her apartment door to find Lois. “Hey,” Lois greeted Chloe, peeking in, “Clark’s not here, is he?”

Chloe’s eyes widened, “God, no. We don’t all work on the Lois Lane timetable of dating.”

“Just checking.” Entering, she looked hard at her cousin, both her hand behind her back. “You and Clark are on some timetable, right?”

Chloe was at a loss for words for a moment. “Yeah, I think so. You can’t be subtle with Clark, and I did make myself clear. He didn’t seem to disagree.” Chloe tried to see what was behind her cousin’s back, and said, distracted, “Okay, c’mon, what’s behind your back?”

“Well…” Lois pulled out the Sunday Daily Planet. “I’ve got great news! Look!” She handled Chloe an article detailing the release of her book.

“Lois, thanks, but I’ve already read this. I obviously get the Planet and some of us wake up before noon. I know my book is popular, and yes, happy!” She smiled gleefully as proof.

“Oh,” Lois paused before pulling something else from behind her back, the Inquisitor.

“You’re kidding me, right?”

“Really interesting article on page 4.”

Chloe snatched the paper and flipped to the fourth page, before a look of utter terror. She matched eyes with Lois before reading the headline, “‘Senator’s Son Courts Author of LuthorCorp Exposé.’” In the middle of the paper article was a photo of her and Clark kissing.

Lois looked apologetic, “Oh, whoops, I thought you’d be happy. You know, proof of your dream night come true?”

“Lois, have you read the article? It doesn’t mention that Clark works at the Planet. It’s a commentary likening Clark to some Don Juan politician’s son sweeping some B-list celebrity writer off her feet.”

“Kind of has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?” Lois commented with a smirk, which was returned with an exasperated look.

The phone ringing interrupted the conversation.

“Hello?” Chloe answered before getting over her mood, which she then proceeded to do after listening to the caller’s reply. “Hi, Clark. No, I’m fine. It’s just—” she stopped short, then giggled, and finally replied, “Yeah, sure, I’m free for lunch. Uh-huh, Al’s sounds good.” Lois gave her a thumbs-up, which Chloe waved away. “Yeah?” she redirected her attention to something being said, and then blushed profusely, and quickly answered, “Yeah, me too. Bye.” She quickly hung up and resisted turning around.

“Whoo-hoo, what was that about? ‘Me too’? Huh?” Lois shook her hips for effect.

“Not in a million years, Lois.”

Lois perked up, teasing, “That bad, huh?”

Chloe uncomfortably held her arm, her face remaining red as ever. She ran her hands through her long, blond hair, exchanging glances with her cousin, both smiling ear to ear.

* * *

1:49 PM

Clark jumped up to meet her when she arrived at the hamburger restaurant. The two awkwardly exchanged glances before hugging. Clark laid a quick kiss on her forehead before pulling out her chair for her.

He then sat himself down, struggling for a moment to find words, then saying, “Congrats on your book. You’re the talk of the Planet.”

“Thanks, Clark. They ready to have me back, yet?”

“Yeah, Perry doesn’t think he can wait until next Monday. He wants you on the S.T.A.R. report right now. He’s not impressed by my work.”

“I thought I trained you better. Didn’t you use my source?”

“She doesn’t work there anymore. She’s mysteriously disappeared; should we be surprised? I’ve tried other avenues, and I am making progress, just not as fast as you could of. You’re amazing.”

Chloe’s cheeks reddened again, and it was starting to get on her nerves. “Thanks, Clark. Perry will just have to wait.”

Clark suddenly seemed reluctant to continue, “Chloe, we need to talk about last night.” Chloe’s face dropped, and Clark suddenly leaned forward and grabbed her hand, cradling it under his chin before continuing, “No, no, no, don’t give that look, ‘cause it’s not like that. Chloe, I want to try this. I’ve screwed things up in the past, but I’m gonna really try to treat you right this time. I promise.” He gave her puppy dog eyes.

He was rewarded with the most joyous smile he’d seen from Chloe in years and a peck on the lips. The moment didn’t last, because that’s when Clark looked to the left and watched Lex Luthor walk in the door. He caught Lex’s eye and waved. He dropped Chloe’s hand, which he found himself holding under the table.

“Well, fancy meeting you two here,” Lex stated amicably as he approached their table. “Hey, Chloe, listen, I’m really sorry for missing your premiere last night, but something big came up, and I was actually hoping to run into you today. Mind if I sit for a second? I promise to leave you two lovebirds alone afterwards,” he jested.

Clark suddenly looked perplexed, and asked, “Lex, how’d you find out about…”

It was then Lex’s turn to look perplexed. He turned to Chloe and asked, “Wait a second, did the Inquisitor get a story right for once?”

Chloe lowered her head, a self-conscious smile appearing on her face. Clark, lost, asked, “The Inquisitor? What?”

Lex pulled out a copy of the day’s Inquisitor to show Clark. “Well, anyway, congratulations, you two. I figured it was just you two following New Year’s tradition, but I guess I was delightfully wrong. Oh, and Chloe, I managed to pick up a copy of your bestseller. I’ve only gotten through the first few chapters, but I must say it is excellent work. I’m not surprised.”

“Well, thank you, Lex. But you didn’t have to come all the way to Metropolis just to apologize for missing my premiere. I understand if…” she cut herself off, not wanting to say the words.

Clark cringed after finishing the article, “Oh, man, I’m sorry, Chloe. I didn’t realize there was a photographer in the room. Well, yeah, I did, but… I hope this doesn’t hurt my dad’s image. Or your reputation.”

Chloe half-smiled, comforting him, “Oh, I’ll be fine…”

Lex smiled, “And, Clark, your father’s a good man. One article about his son’s love life with a respectable writer isn’t exactly a scandal.” Lex sighed and gravely continued, “Chloe, there was another reason why I missed the premiere. I’ve accepted a job heading the Smallville LuthorCorp plants again.”

“What?” Clark said, aghast. “But, Lex, why would you…”

Lex gritted his teeth, “It was hard decision to make. If I had never emancipated myself from my father, I would have had the resources to save Lana.”

“Lex, if you hadn’t emancipated yourself from your father, what’s to say you would have ever married Lana? Lex, you were able to do so much good after you pulled yourself out of your father’s shadow. For goodness sake, you just won the Kansas Humanitarian Award,” Clark pointed out.

“I’m friends with the senator. Clark, don’t you remember? In all this good-doing, I stole Lana from you.”

Chloe suddenly felt herself become uncomfortable. Oblivious, Clark replied, “Yes, I loved Lana, but so did you. And while at the time I thought it would last forever, now I’m not so sure. There are better people in the world for me.” Chloe turned pink.

“Did I, Clark? Did I really become a better person? Sure, I lived the American dream: a wife, two kids, a minivan, and some successful volunteer projects. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Lana all with all my heart, and I love my kids as much as ever. But what kind of husband was I if I couldn’t save my wife from the damage of bearing my two children? Alex and Lily need a nanny because their mother is gone. The only way I could afford that is to let my father pay for it.”

Chloe was exasperated, “Whoa, you’re letting your father pay for a nanny for your kids? Does he get to pick her out, too?”

“What other choice did I have?”

“Well, what about day care?” Chloe remarked. “And, Lex, have you forgotten that the book I just published is an exposé on some of the questionable business tactics of LuthorCorp? I have no doubt your father is going to read the book. He’s not an idiot, Lex; he’s gonna suspect you’re my inside source.”

“He knows. I admitted it to him. I told him I’d deal with it.”

Clark scooted forward and adopted a protective stance around Chloe, who boldly asked, “Are you threatening me?”

Lex remained calm, “No, Chloe. I’m not my father. In fact, I’m going to tell you what I have in mind. I’m not going to send out thugs that can’t be traced back to me to harass you. And I’m not going to cause an unexplainable fire at the publishing company. I don’t work like that, Chloe. I’m doing this in a civilized manner. I’ve hired Marshall Heath from the Metropolis Star to write a rebuttal to your book. I know this is inevitably going to drive a wedge between us, and probably between me and a lot of people, but I’ve had to make some hard decisions lately, and people are going to get caught in the crossfire. And I’m sorry it had to work out like this. I don’t like it any more than you do.”

Clark sighed, and told his friend, “Lex, you’re going down a dangerous path.”

Clark, I appreciate your concern, but you have to let me fight my own battles. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m sure you to would like to get back to your lunch date.” With that, he left the restaurant without another word.

Clark turned to wrap his arms around Chloe, telling her, “I’m sorry, Chloe.”

“No, Clark, Lex is making some bad decisions. We did what friends are supposed to do. Let’s just hope he doesn’t get himself in too deep.” Chloe turned to look up at him, “You know, this doesn’t feel that bad.” With that, she reached up and held the arms around her neck.

Clark casually brought up the topic, “So, it seems I owe you a few dinners. How’s tomorrow night look?”

“Sounds wonderful.”

“I won’t be able to get La Fleur Bleu on such short notice…”

Chloe giggled, “Wherever, Clark. I’d prefer a hot dog with you over La Fleur Bleu with anyone else, even though I’d trust a trained chimp to know more about eating there than you.”

Clark teased Chloe with a few monkey noises.

* * *

LuthorCorp Tower

“Mr. Luthor?” a low voice spoke to Lionel Luthor in his office.

“Yes, Billingsley?”

“I believe this is what Lex is trying to do.” He handed the elder Luthor a file.

“Well, that does sound like Lex’s thinking. I should have known he’d go with the soft plan. Proceed with Plan A.”

“Yes, sir.”


A/N: Well, eventually some sort of plot will emerge. I’ve gotten most the Chlarkiness out of my system. I know this one followed quickly in the heels of the last, but expect a slightly longer delay until Chapter 3. The idea fragments are still assembling themselves in my brain.

By the way, if this were going to be filmed, I would not have anyone but Erica Durance playing Lois, because this is without a doubt Smallville!Lois.

^_^ - Chlark smoochies! Blushing!Chloe! Trained chimp references! The ominous sounding… Plan A! What more could you ask for?

©2005 Godeerc VanDrey Enterprises, Inc. Created Monday, December 12, 2005. Updated Wednesday, December 14, 2005.

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